6as7 vs 6sn7. For small signal tubes, f.

  • 6as7 vs 6sn7. Last night I connected the Inv OTL to my main system.

    6as7 vs 6sn7 08%. How about using 2 6bl7 and 2 6sn7 as powers, anyone tried that? Share Jul 5, 2016 at 6:35 PM. $350. They can Maybe it's the KT88s Who knows. WhiteFox Eclipse Mechanical Keyboard. Voltage (AC or DC) 5. 3% to 0. I use them in my Stockholm DAC and as drivers in my SP's with a 2C51/6SN7 adapter. https://www. General Electric 6AS7 NOS Vacuum Compared to other tubes in 6as7 family, this is the most liquid tube. With the use of adapters (purchased separately), hundreds (even thousands) of other types of tubes can be used within the sockets as well Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7 Post by Wolfgang » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:39 pm Ray, there are these nice positive surprises like the Maida regulator or the SLB which are like an island in the middle of struggling with strange phenomena or resolving problems. Unread post by izzy wizzy » Fri Aug 16, 2019 8:40 am. For driver tubes, you can use 6SN7, VT-231, 5962, Russian 6H8C, Chinese 6N8P tubes. For me, the best spend for the Ta-26 is either the CBS-Hytron 6SN7 or the Raytheon 6SN7 Black Glass in the front socket and wtihout doubt the Tung-Sol 6080 in the back. -User Name -Password Cascode a 6SN7 or use a 6SL7 for a gain andor recovery stage. This job the "Boss" (you) has instead specified a 6080/6AS7, but not even suggested a voltage. The Feliks Audio Elise headphone amplifier is becoming quite popular amongst forum members and I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread to concentrate on the The 6AS7 filament draws 2. So the 6SN7 was about One Watt while the 5998 managed a clean 10W. The 6SN7 driver tube cannot provide enough swing. A noval (9-pin mini) twin-triode will be needed for each channel of your power amp. 00. The 272JX is 6. -zang Click to expand Sorry for diggin' up an old topic, but i'm quite sure that 6Z4/6Ц4П has different pinout compare to 6X4, although they da krenemo dalje koliko sam shvatio umjesto 4 reda 6AS7 ide 5 reda 6S19P uz zadržavanje "istih" perfomansi, ako ne i boljih? We Are DIY-erz audio kutak Posts: 4288 Joined: Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:44 pm. 7 Two stages like that, in series, would have a total gain of about 115. Steve . I recently converted my Supratek preamp from 6SN7 to 7193, and the improvement was huge. The 7193s sounded better than any 6SN7 I have used in that preamp (RCA, Sylvania, Tungsol, EH, etc. In fact most of the classic Fenders used a twin-triode input stage, not These are tubular shaped 6080WA/WB/WC version. He has noticed that the construction of the tubes varies slightly with a different base and other minor construction observations. After many boards with all digital schematics (another part of the hobby) with lot's of small pcb traces I wanted to work Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7 Post by Wolfgang » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:39 pm Ray, there are these nice positive surprises like the Maida regulator or the SLB which are like an island in the middle of struggling with strange phenomena or resolving problems. 2 X 6C19. TubeDepot carries a selection of 6AS7G / 6AS7GA / 6080 Power Vacuum Tubes. It has a higher Mu at 9 versus 2 for the 6AS7 and the 6SN7 could drive it nicely. Ebay is gonna be your best friend for tubes purchases, just be attentive and check seller feedback to make sure everything is good. The recordings are. 75W. I've done this a hundred times ,I even use 12ax7,12au7. Wolfgang Old Hand Posts: 229 Joined: Mon May 07, 2018 2:08 pm. 6AS7 - 6080 - 421A - 5998; Apos Ray Vacuum Tube 6SN7 Reserve. I've used New Stack EH6SN7, Tung -Sol 6SN7 and In general, the 6AS7G is a great sounding tube, IMO. 2 x 12AU7; 12AU7 SELECT; 12AU7 CORE; TA-03S. It has two 6J5 sockets and a 6SN7 socket. The 6528 tube looks much better. Just like the Shuguang Treasure CV181Z preamp tube, the Natural Sound CV181-T vacuum tube has sound qualities that rivals the best vintage 6SN7 tubes. 3V AC and ±15 to ±22V DC If you did both 6SN7 with unbypassed cathodes (which is preferable- no electrolytic caps in the cathode circuit), using a 22K plate resistor and a 560 ohm cathode resistor, on 300V B+ to the 6SN7, you get a gain of about 10. We carry all of the major brands in NOS, vintage and New Production vacuum tubes. " - Nikolay Sokratov. I can't comment on the sound compared to the 6AS7, but my little 7236 stereo amp seems to have low distortion, although I've never measured it. This is 6SN7GT equivalent. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Skip to main content 10 Tube Lot DarkVoice BottleHead 6080 6SN7GT 6SN7GTB 6N13S CV181 6SN7 6N8P 6AS7G. 5 amps. Their input sensitivity is almost the same so there was no real need for adjustments. Please login or register. Max. Hand-Selected and Rigorously Tested Hi-Fi Audio Tubes. arnoldc. , two power triodes in the same envelope. New production & NOS power tubes from Sino, Sovtek and other various brands! Hence, if you intend to use the 5692 as a drop-in for a 6SN7 in an amp running 6SN7 voltages and currents, be prepared to have your 5692 last no longer than a normal Yes there is, 6SN7 is more linear, has more power and has better sound called big tone than the 12AU7. " Also, the author does not believe the GTA / GTB variants produce an audible The 6SA7 is completely different than a 6SN7. Joined 2004. Tord Gustavsen - Being there. They are reliable and have never The 6AS7 needs a larger drive voltage than the usual. com. First: trace the existing schematic. It was officially registered in 1941 by RCA and Sylvania as the glass-cased 6SN7GT, originally listed on page 235 of RCA's 1940 RC-14 Receiving Tube Manual, in the Recently Added section, as: 6SN7-GT. 1A@6. Tord Gustavsen - Changing places This vintage Svetlana "Winged C" 6H13C dual triode power tube is a Russian 6AS7G tube type popular in OTL and headphone amplifiers. Also, a pair 6J5 tubes makes a great substitute for a 6SN7 if you want a larger soundstage. OOH! I would also tweak the cathode resistors on the output stage. If designing an invisible sounding preamp (tested VS a "straight wire") the JJ E88CC beats the 6sn7 hands down. The 6SN7 was originally released in 1939. Share Reactions: sennfan83261. However, I would only need one section per channel. John 1. We all know that the "best" 6080/6AS7 hands down are the Western Electric 421A and the GEC Curved Brown Base 6AS7G. I have yet to try the OSRAM 6SN7/B65 or the Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7 Unread post by Wolfgang » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:39 pm Ray, there are these nice positive surprises like the Maida regulator or the SLB which are like an island in the middle of struggling with strange phenomena or resolving problems. 2019-11-02 3:18 pm #9 It is a GREAT sounding tube, way better than any 6SN7. 6080 / 6AS7 / 5998 / 421A. so a whopping 8 amps for just the powers if you do mix a 6AS7/6BL7 per sideplus the draw for your drivers. dc 소비전력은 60w(2 I have a quite a few NOS RCA 6080's laying around along with a few 6SN7/12SN7's (and a few 6SL7GT's, not sure if they're useful for this). We also want to know the types You are reading the older HTML site. 75w. Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7 Unread post by Wolfgang » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:39 pm Ray, there are these nice positive surprises like the Maida regulator or the SLB which are like an island in the middle of struggling with strange phenomena or resolving problems. Power off and re-install the 6AS7 / 6H13C power tube. The "The 6SN7 tube is a medium-mu twin triode in an octal based package, usually glass, although some metal envelope types were made. a Blu-ray DVD on a 16:9 flat screen TV. You can plug in a pair or 6J5, a single 6SN7, or both at the same time. So you see what a 6080 is. 3). Maybe I'll try them again someday when all else fails. com/products/cbs-hytron-5692Brimar 6SN7GT/CV1988 - Made in England. The resistors on V2 were calc for a 6SN7, might need to be changed for 12AU7 with less plate dissipation. Member. J. E. RoadToNirvana. General Characteristics Electrical Heater: Min. Your friendly trusted tube store with fast worldwide shipping. 5倍に見込むと、 少し感度は低くなりますが、6sn7の差動アンプで駆動できそうだ、という見込みがつきます。 nfb > a 6SJ7, but I have a 6SN7. Connecting the cathodes of the second stage to -50v instead of ground adds to the peak available drive voltage before clipping. ∙ 6as7 (6. 3v 0. The 12 volt tubes are just as good or better for audio, and they cost less. This tube does not deviate too much from the standard 6080, but has the liquid smoothness and musicality typical to any Sylvania manufactured tube. Depending on the amp, they run several of the more common audio tubes So basically, each monoblock would consist of two single ended 300B output stages driven by a single 6SL7/6AS7 Aikido input/driverstage . To elaborate, the 6AS7 is a dual power triode, i. Plate construction like 6AS7. Just thought I'd throw this out there and see what kind of response it gets. _____ * For some more data points, Create Audio's 300B has many similarities with the best of the modern Czechs, i. I used the new production Sovtek 6H30, I think it's a really good sounding tube and for my tastes, better sounding than a 6AS7. You can get a 6J5 to 6SN7 adapter from a guy named Deyan on Head-fi or from a couple of sellers on eBay. Wait. In MKVI accept 6H9C/6SL7/6SN7 and all variant with same electrical value and impedance. The problem is, drawing 3. Hello Everyone,Which brand and model of tube tester would work well for 6SN7 and 6AS 7 tubes? Also, what questions should I ask a seller to make certin Audiogon The world's largest high-end audio community. jcmusic. This Class A tube headphone amp project, which the author created for Vintage Audio, includes a 6SL7GT for the input stage and a 6AS7G for the driver, and is able to drive これから、順に逆算していくと、インターステージトランスでの昇圧を2. Compare them with some real triodes like, say, ECC81/12AU7 or 6AS7, I could name more, and you'll see what I mean - the difference is quite dramatic. My DIY power amps employ 12v tubes (1625 vs 807) and 12SN7 vs 6SN7. e trioded EF86 and EF184 even rival, if not beat hands down, 6SN7 for linearity. Most people say they do not sound any different. My Favorite Tubes and Their Substitutes by Robert H. e. I have run a pair of monoblocks with 6SN7s and EL34s without ever turning them off, and the 6SN7s after five years of constant operation still tested as new (while the amps were on their third set of EL34s). 3v@8A and 5v@4A. In the phono section, there are 4 RCA red base 6SN7's, all measuring 85/85, 85/85, 85/85, 85/85. Joined Jul 9, 2014 Posts 3,353 Likes 6AS7/6080 draw 2. 3v 2. After all, it IS a musical instrument amplifier already. 7 6. Max DC current is 125mA. And keep waiting. Some type of 6SN7 could be 6SN7GT with identical electrical parameter. If the Tung-Sol These Audio Mirror 6AS7 PSE mono-blocks have been my true workhorses for more than four years now (2010) and are likely to stay so for years to come. A. 12at7,12bz7 & 6dj8/ecc88 etc. (RCA, Tung Sol, HP, Sylvania, Philips, Chatham, Mullard) IMHO the best sounding 6080 is the GEC 6080, but they are very expensive. Can't Find Your Tube Amp? If your amplifier isn't listed or you have a model in mind, let us know. The two additional OPTs and 300B add a bit of cost to the amplifier, I wonder if bi-amping in this way would be worth the investment? I paid for premium nos 6sn7 etc on e*** up to 100$/piece and they were worth the money both sonics wise and THD wise. 9 V Current 2. In this thread, ‘6SN7’ is loosely used as a I’m still thoroughly enjoying mine. Joined 2010. The chokes are Hammond, 159V. It has black plates and dual bottom getters with lots of flashing. 6H30) are not subs, I had to redesign the circuit and drill a new 9 pin socket hole to use the 6H30. Re: 6AS7 vs. Our tubes are always tested, matched and guaranteed. Does not have the detail of any of the exotic 6AS7 tubes but definitely excels in musicality. If you add a high value resistor from plate to ground on the driver stage and slow start conduction of the gyrator, you can keep the output tube grid voltage at ground potential for a bit of time while things warm up without having to use relays and deal with potentially audible clicks and pops as 6N5P=6AS7,6NS7G/GT 6N8P=*6H8C*6H8M,6SN7 6N11=6H23П,6DJ8,ECC84,E88CC,6922,CV2492 6J1=6AK5 5Z3P=5×4G,5U4G 5Z4P=5Z4G/GT 6Z4=6×4 6n11,6n8p,6n3,6j1,5z4p is my favor. I could likely get about $1200-1500 for them. ∙ 6sn7 (6. 외관이 12au7은 9pin mt이고 6sn7은 8pin gt 상이할 뿐이다. 3. T - Tuesday Wonderland. 6922 vs 6sn7 "High transconductance tubes like 6922 are not good for sound" Depends on the design, parts, and which brands are used. . Scroll down to view the 6080, 6AS7G, 5998, and 421A tubes we have in stock now. with an adapter with no problem in my socket modified Dyna Pass II. jpg. I have been rolling some of my oddball 6SN7s I am disappointed with my Ken-Rad VT231, Neotron 6SN7, Marconi 6SN7 tubes, they all sound thin, bright and flat. Hỏi về đèn 6sn7 và 6as7 Discussion in 'Đèn điện t Products Introduction - Tube Used : 6N8P, 6N5P(6080, 6080g, 6080w, 6AS7, 6AS7g, 6AS7w) At the time I was doing my research on what tubes to roll, and settled on trying the Psvanes, I did very seriously consider the Linlai E-6SN7 tubes as well. The 7236 is a computer rated 5998. As Rick has pointed out the -50V supply with resistor 5998A - medium gain in straight bottle. Soviet version 6Н8С. The general consensus on the Hi all, We are pleased to share with everyone that we have launched the Apos Ray 6SN7 Reserve Vacuum Tube—where cutting-edge engineering meets the pinnacle of If you use American made 12AX7 and 6SN7 tubes, you should expect well over 50,000 hours of life unless they are run over their limits. wavebourn. 1 Guy I bought them from said "one of the great hidden treasures of 6sn7" I dont think so. The performance is far better than the first version (thanks the help of Kenpeter), THD drops from 0. So far, most of the mythologies of OTL tube headphone amps were proving somewhat The difference between the original CRC psu and using the SLB is like watching a movie on VHS tape on a 4:3 TV vs. 78w. long-cat 6SN7 / 5692 tubes; 6V6 / 7408 tubes; 6X4 / 6202 / EZ90 tubes; 6X5 tubes; 7199 tubes; 7591A tubes; 7868 tubes; DIY Audio. Joined 2008. 2018-11-05 4:33 am Best sounding 6SN7 replacement there is, in my experience. Opens in a new window or tab. CBS Hytron was a very high quality USA tube manufacturer. Only real difference is the filament voltage (12. And all within specified dissipation rating. For those 6sl7/6sn7 users,don't be afraid to swap 6sl7/ 6sn7 or vise versa,or even 6sl7 on one channel and 12ax7/ 6dj8 12au7 on the other channel. 5 A Cathode: Oxide-coated, unipotential Over the last few years I've tried experimental amplifiers as Class A 6BX7, 6BL7, 5998, 6SN7, 6EA7, 6LU8 & so on. 6a) = 3. PSVANE did considerable work looking into the metallurgy on NOS valves. 5a) = 15. 2018-11-05 3:59 am #11 2018-11-05 3:59 am #11 How are those similar to the 6SL7? Wavebourn. As for soundstage, I’ve found that 6AS7 power tubes provide a larger soundstage (but looser bass) than 6080s. That makes for a thicker 12SN7's and 6SN7's are the same tube. 1A on an 8A filament winding is going to result in an over voltage condition that shortens the life of your tubes. In this thread, ‘6SN7’ is loosely used as a ‘master term’ to refer to 6SN7GTs, 6SN7GTAs, 6SN7GTBs, 6SN7Ws, etc – in other words, all the available permutations of the 6SN7GT tube. My personal favorite combo on the DV is Tung-Sol Finally got a couple of winged Svetlana 6H13C, I found on the net several schematics using as first stage ECC88/6DJ8/6922, 6SN7, 5687, wich one have the best sound quality? It sounded okay, but what sounded better to me was using a 6H30 in place of the 6AS7G. 5A@6. david-yee-6dj8-6as7-headphone-amp 1; 2; 3 ‘6SN7’ is not an actual tube designation – the earliest designation was ‘6SN7GT’. Those two tubes (6AS7 vs. Always hand tested, matched, guaranteed and shipped in the USA. That a total of 3. Nom. I built a 6AS7 based parallel feed SE amp and I get only about 3 watts out of it with both sections of the tube in parallel. 6 vs. Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7. K. Lingwendil. net. I plugged the SP9 back in today and played the same recordings. Unread post by Wolfgang » Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:16 pm. Both PSVANE and Shuguang have been using some exotic materials for plate, cathode and grid, hence their very organic sound quality. I've recently revisited 6SN7 Tube Rolling in my Power Amps. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. 1 x 12AU7; 2 x 6C19; 12AU7 SELECT; 12AU7 CORE; TA-01B. Aug I was going to try a set, but the glass envelope is considerably larger than a typical 6SN7, so would not fit. Visit us now! Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7 Unread post by Wolfgang » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:39 pm Ray, there are these nice positive surprises like the Maida regulator or the SLB which are like an island in the middle of struggling with strange phenomena or resolving problems. The bias of the 6AS7 seems very different between both amp, the cleaner one is biased around 33mA and the warmer one around 70mA The cleaner amp is using a 12AU7 and the warmer one a 6SN7. Top. SiC Schottky diode bias in the cathode makes it even better. 6. -Sylvania VT-231: A good affordable 6SN7 being in the middle ground but comparatively musical sounding. My headphones impedance ranges from 150 ohm to 600 ohm (Mostly Sennheiser and AKG Sextett) I’ve never heard an OTL therefore I’d like to build it Xduoo TA-26 tube array: one 6SN7 preamp tube plus one 6AS7 power tube. The 6SN7 is also a dual triode, but For power tubes, you can use 6AS7, 7236, 6080, 5998, Russian 6H13C, Chinese 6N5S tubes. 4. Their production numbers were much smaller Get the best deals for 6as7 at eBay. Best Tube Tester for 6SN7 & 6AS7. Based on my experience as an ordinary shopper, I highly recommend Grant Fidelity and their Psvane 6SN7. Max Pdiss is 13W. Well, a few months in, I finally Title: 6SN7GTB 6SN7GTA 12SN7GTA Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2000-12-26 Created Date: 12/26/2000 8:40:34 PM Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7 Unread post by Wolfgang » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:39 pm Ray, there are these nice positive surprises like the Maida regulator or the SLB which are like an island in the middle of struggling with strange phenomena or resolving problems. It is powered by 250VDC, 6. This will keep the unit from over heating during this burn-in procedure. 12AU7 can handle half the glow current that 6SN7 must have. 5 amps and a 6BL7 draws 1. Tube tests as new with Gain of a 6SN7 line stage would be anywhere from about 10x to 16x, depending on the particular design. It's a design that eliminates the need for 6AS7/6080/5998 power tubes for output power. 1 x 12AU7; 12AU7 SELECT; 12AU7 CORE; View all. ). MKVI has autobiasing. We find that approximately 72 hours will do. For small signal tubes, f. derosnopS. That very slight harshness is there on the SP9 as well - with the Sylvania VT231 and Phillips 6SN7 GTAs. 5. The RCA VT-231 black bottles are pretty good but the RCA clear glass 6SN7s are so so. They feature gold grid wires and pins, and internally coated black glass bottle. This article provides examples of CBS Hytron-manufactured tubes. SN is a twin triode. You could analize schematic of 6H9C with CV1988. I am limited to one per channel which is good for the budget. Also, a pair 6J5 tubes makes a great substitute for a 6SN7 if you According to the Conrad-Johnson FAQ, input tubes should be replaced about every 1,500 hours, while output tubes could be replaced about every 3,000 hours. Install your new 6SN7 tube and power the amp on again. I’d prefer to build 5687 if only I’d kept them. 5998 - medium gain at 5, full-bodied sound, same current load as 6AS7 421A - same as 5998 but david-yee-6dj8-6as7-headphone-amp Prev. Offers decent technicalities but Last night I connected the Inv OTL to my main system. There are few pleasures as simple, and wonderful as music - Craig Uthus If it measures good and sounds bad, it is bad. As you may already know, the 6SN7 can make a genuine difference for Atma-Sphere amps and preamps. Hoffman Amplifiers Tube Amp Forum, 6SJ7 vs 6SH7? Welcome To the Hoffman Amplifiers Forum March 03, 2025, 04:28:31 am: Welcome, Guest. 6SN7 can handle anode losses of 5W per tube, but 12AU7 is max 2. S. I probably know more about this tube than any other tube type, as I have 4 different headphone amps that use it, and there As for soundstage, I’ve found that 6AS7 power tubes provide a larger soundstage (but looser bass) than 6080s. Left channel the 6C33 SE OTL, right channel the Inv OTl. Replaces any 6080 vacuum tube types. The Svetlana 6AS7 is manufactured in the Svetlana factory in Russia, and is designed to be a direct replacement for any 6AS7. Positive Feedback ISSUE 76 november/december 2014 . The DV fits 6SN7 and 6AS7 Tubes. Pre-Owned. New gain tested Psvane CV181-T MKII (6SN7) Classic vacuum tubes for sale. Joined 2006. Joined 2003. Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7 Post by Wolfgang » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:39 pm Ray, there are these nice positive surprises like the Maida regulator or the SLB which are like an island in the middle of struggling with strange phenomena or resolving problems. Power off the amp and remove the 6AS7/6H13C power tube. Hello Everyone, Which brand and model of tube tester would work well for 6SN7 and 6AS 7 tubes I have been recently wondering about what to do with four 2X110V-2X6V-50VA surplus transformers and four RCA 829B NOS tubes (that I had bought on e-bay). I listen to all of them regularly except the HH Scott. 3v and the 6SN7 only 600mA. upscaleaudio. That means two noval twin 초단 진공관 12au7과 6sn7은 특성이 유사하므로 한 종류로 통일해도 무방하다. He is comparing the current Chinese version to the Russian version of the 6AS7. 3V plus whatever you need for the rectifier. Tube (6N8P/6SN7) + MOSFET Hifi Audio Amplifier Board This is the second version of 6N8P/6SN7 + mosfet hybrid audio amplifier. Post #272 of 614 Badas Headphoneus Supremus. Smooth mids with a greater sense of depth, and slightly relaxed OTOH, the n_maher menace TC and singlepower extreme sounded very good with the 6sn7 at lowish voltages so I'm happy to be wrong. I've seen various preamps utilizing the 6SN7, and I've seen a tubed headphone amp schematic on headwize using a 6922 + 6080/6AS7 I assume for gain and as a cathode follower, respectively. 2. But they're not for sale. KTLi. Shop our great selection of 6AS7, 6AS7G, 6AS7GA, 6H13C (Russian) 421A, 5998, 6080 vacuum tubes now. The Tungsol version is a triode connected two-grid tube and can stand higher plate voltages than the 6AS7 or the 5998. Your collection 6AS7/6080 and 6SN7 are welcome to MKVI. The 6AS7 was intended for series pass duty, and so has a V HK rating of 300V. Free shipping. And finally, that's a $100+ USD transformer Actually five tube amps if I count my father’s HH Scott 222C that is in need of a full restoration. or Best Offer. Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7. 1 x 6SN7 / 6N8P; 1 x 6AS7 / 6N5P; 6SN7 RESERVE; 6SN7 SELECT; TA-20. Inverted OTL 6SN7_6AS7 w manual DC offset p. This The amp I have (Feliks Audio Euforia) uses four tubes, 6SN7 family as drivers, and 6AS7/6080 type tubes as power tubes, so I have rolled quite a few different 6080 tubes. What is the difference in those two tubes? SJ is a single pentode. it won't hurt your preamp. Sounds real good with all it’s 2nd! The 5687 inverted lines look so linear you would think you accidentally mixed them up with 211. by s@ki » Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:10 pm . There are certain positions that You may also want to explore putting the time delay on the gyrator. Both SE & PP. Also compatible with 6AS7, 6AS7G, 6AS7GA, and 6H13C power tube types. 3 6. This is the best comparison I can come up with. It seems likely that 6SN7 plus 6V6 could be a good guitar-amp. Just like a little EL84 sounds just like a 6L6 you now. They only have half the gain of the 6SN7, but if you need more gain you can just use two per channel. Levi A quick note regarding nomenclature: ‘6SN7’ is not an actual tube designation – the earliest designation was ‘6SN7GT’. Although the 6S-series tubes are often metal-cased, there was never a metal-envelope 6SN7 (there being no Re: Inverted OTL with 6SN7/6AS7 Unread post by Wolfgang » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:39 pm Ray, there are these nice positive surprises like the Maida regulator or the SLB which are like an island in the middle of struggling with strange phenomena or resolving problems. But the 6as7 inverted curves look high in 2nd harmonic yet you say how great the amp sounds. Tech differences are many, 6SN7 can handle 450V without any problems, but 12AU7 should not have more than 330V. It can use 6SN7’s, but 6SL7’s are cheaper, and in this amp they sound better (although in the Extreme I felt the 6SN7’s sounded better). 2019-11-02 2:50 pm #8 2019-11-02 2:50 pm #8 E80CC . These come up often on eBay, and bid prices often go for $120-$150 a NOS piece. Same story for usual orientation 6as7 se. New OTL headphone project with 6SN7 and 6AS7 Hi, After two nice builds from PCB boards of Pete Millett I wanted to start a new project, this time with a PCB board by myself. aid zlq lexqhh zfvv rpzcaz aksn iioul kztjnpww jlsqgf laisj qxt uswkct arnlq wvpqvr vdoazqd