Epsxe save game Bushido Blade 2 Complete Save (51) 08. Best save possible to use for Suikoden II. 0 of epsxe now things were going fine until this morning i went to load one of the games i put on the emulator the game being legend of mana which is an rpg i saved my game on there yesterday as in save state slot 1 i turned the emulator off shut everything down then reopened it and the game was still there where i had You save in the game ( read about the game on line) or use the epsxe save the states (shift f1, or f2, or f3, etc), and to load the game you just press f1,f2,or f3. You can also edit what Relics you have obtained. 6% - Everything unlocked and maxed out, Max HP, MP, Hearts and stats possible with level ups (game stated with 85 hp stats), all items 99, all familiars, bestiary complete and the Muramasa is levelled to 999 ATK. On gameplay (menu button): Menu->Savestate = Save the state to the slot selected (MAX = 5 slots) Menu->Loadstate = Load the state of the slot selected Game saves for your Sony PlayStation console. Ehrgeiz Complete 02. From unleadedlogic (04/16/2009; 2KB) At last save before final boss, all characters at max stats except Emerelda. . It also does not properly save my game, even when using This area is where you will find Game Saves for the PlayStation 1. Jun 12, 2019 Downloads: 211 halo kali ini saya akan menunnjukkan bagaimana cara mensave dan menload game ps 1 yang kita mainkan di emulator epsxe yang ada di komputer pc,Cara Save dan L Game is 98% beaten From DJ_Shang_Tsung (03/08/2011; 131KB) All hidden characters are unlocked in Arcade and Battle modes (except N. Jadi untuk game Harvest Moon Back to Nature dengan nomor slot 1, berarti penulisan nama filenya adalah "SLUS_011. Apa itu ePSXe? ePSXe ialah emulator PS khusus PS1 dan PSX. Gundam Battle Assault 2 Complete Save (63) 06. Save for Gundam Battle Hi buddy I'll give u the basics of saving states F1 : Save State F2 : Change State F3 : Load State it's actually working like quick save game "the best part is that the games won't know u saved like Resident Evil & so on" anyway you have 5 different states to save on them & u can change between them by using F2 and to load the saved state just select the state you want Press ESC to close the game window and return to the ePSXe GUI. Select Rescan if All Games Don't Show in List. Start with about 10 million gold and coins. Description: Full Playthrough Save File Compilation Memory Card Save File For EPSXE & PCSX2 (. Decrypts PSP saves. Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk menyimpan game di emulator tersebut, maka bisa praktikkan langkah di bawah ini. Closing the game window directly (without using ESC) will cause ePSXe to continue to run in the background. 7. You can edit your Inventory to give yourself weapons, armor, etc. MCR) which compatible with ePSXe and pSX emulator. 2. com has been released. Another advantage is the ability to experiment and take risks without consequence. by SAVE-EDITOR. And while visually it runs totally fine, the audio likes to skip, repeat, and crackle. Provides help for downloading save files, erasing Tutorial Cara Save Game di ePSXe Android. among Cortex's henchmen, meaning that they might have originally been intended to appear in the first game but were ultimately pushed back to their appearance in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. Finished game with save. 99 + perfect stats for all chars + all GFs + all cards + huge gil + 100 of all items. but i decided i wanted to play a new game i was using 1. ai subscription using my referral link and enjoy 100% off your first mont Dec / 26 / 2019 PS1 SAVE GAME ID CHANGER has been released. Langdell claimed that he owned the right to use the word 'Edge' in anything video game related, and as a result, Namco renamed the game Soul Blade outside of Japan. All 108+ stars. 9 was out so downloaded moved all files then started playing my new game i saved it closed out. right click the game you wanna import the save files into (for this example we will use persona 2 eternal punishment) then the right columns will be filled with all the save files of the epsxe memory card simply click on the one you wanna import then This is all-region Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, 3, Crash Team Racing (CTR), and Crash Bash (CB) save game for Playstation / PSX / PSone. Tekken 3 Complete Save (421) 07. 72 KB. From ArkhamG (01/03/2018; 1KB) Raw save file at the beginning of disc 2. 7z. PlayStation DexDrive Save (Europe) Description: This is Tekken 1 100% save game file for Retroarch US version all characters. Retro game emulation on the PC platform - troubleshooting, support, discussion, and gaming ADMIN MOD ePSXe Save Data Issue . 8. Description: Have All Cards, Max Starchips, All Free Duel Opponents Unlocked, Player Name: Yugi Memory Card Save File For EPSXE & Version: NTSC Filesize: 17. It even allows you to save your game to a virtual memory card. Jill has the Eagle Medal, but still needs to get the Wolf Medal hidden in the secret room in the caves. Ok ive been trying to get my memcards to work right for a while but its just not working. World Soccer Winning Eleven 2002 (JP) Description: Fixed 100% Complete, Normal New Game with Stealth, Bandana, Tuxedo and Red Ninja unlocked, Fully completed VR Missions with 1st ranks in all. You save in the game ( read about the game on line) or use the epsxe save the states (shift f1, or f2, or f3, etc), and to load the game you just press f1,f2,or f3. Arcade Mode cleared on Difficult 4. I continue playing but when i tried to save it again for the second time, i've noticed that my save game was gone and when i tried to save again it says save failed. Jun 12, 2019 Downloads: 109 File 1 contains various saves throughout the game, and file 2 contains a save right before the bad ending's final boss, and unlocks Next Fear mode. mcr memory card game save files with ePSXe. 02. Kamu hanya perlu melaksanakan Save/Load pada ketika berada di dalam game yang di mainkan. Ehrgeiz Complete Save (48) 09. PSicture: From the same author as PSound, this lets you view the pictures from many PlayStation games. Save with the limits Great Gospel (Aeris) and Omnislash (Cloud) without Game Shark use, with 40 hours played in the disk 1 and many Materias in Master. mcr) where all games are saved. Genre: Action » Fighting » 3D. Game Detail. I did migrate the program and all the saves to another drive, saving worked before the move, but it was a few months ago so For Kamen Rider Ryuki on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 4 save games. Hi GuysWelcome back to this channelso, in this video i'm gonna share save file of Crash Team Racingthis game will bring you back to your childhoodcalling ba สงสัยวิธีย้าย save ของ ePSXe (emu ของ PS) 5 Oct 2011, 17:08:34 คือผมก็โหลด ePSXe เอาไว้ให้แฟนเล่น harvest moon ตอนเล่นก็เซฟเล่นได้ปกติ Black Chocobo is a Free Software (gplv3) FF7 save game editor written in Qt. They are files that contain the state of the emulator when the key was hit, so you can restore the emulation later in that same exact point. I checked the config and the path is set correctly but I cant save anything!! When I play ff7 i can save in the game and it says it saves but when i exit ePSXe and start it back up and continue it says List of Games That Work Great With PS1 Emulators ( Plus More ) Excluding PCSX Reloaded ( PCSXR ) PC Version of ePSXe is Available. This happens in a variety of games, so that's not the issue. Have some good items in inventory at 99 a piece. This site wants to be the most complete playstation one games database in the web, we got covers, screenshots, cheats, controls, game saves, descriptions, etc. VMP) & PS3 (. All races first, all gold licences, all prize cars and 2 billion credits. Available for Windows, Linux + Mac Os. Got the emulator running fine; roms installed etc. 4 Game saves with each mode and character in Hoping on God of War (PS2) Save Files December 2, 2024 can u pls get me a save after leaving ship after defeating hydra in the start pls my emulator crashes tankMage on Shadow Hearts (PS2) Save Files November 15, 2024 For Crash Bash on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 9 save games. Added: Thu. With ePSXe, your computer functions just like an original PlayStation console. Home Forums > PlayStation 1 Forums > PS1 Homebrew > Download Now 105. FAQ Q: Bagaimana cara melihat game yang berhasil di Save pada ePSXe? A: Silahkan kau baca artikel aku ini "Cara Copy Delete Game Save ePSXe" Q: ePSXe seri berapa yang For Team Buddies on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 3 save games. Feb 07, 2019. With Epsxe save states, you can save your game before attempting a difficult task The intro also notably includes Tiny Tiger and the Komodo Bros. It's plugin-based, including plugins for TIM, PSH, SPR, and MGS formats. zip; PS1 Castlevania SotN Save Editor v1. To close ePSXe correctly, press ESC to return to the ePSXe GUI, and then close the program from there. SLUS_011. Emulator Version: ePSXe ver. From ChandooG (07/20/2004; 131KB) Real game save no cheats lvl 40 characters lots of money and coins. mcr) Version: NTSC Filesize: 12. USA/Canada [NTSC-U/C] Savegame Europe [PAL] Savegame Japan [NTSC-J] Savegame If you have a collection of old PlayStation video games but no longer have a PlayStation console, you can use the ePSXe emulator to play the games on your computer. 03) Game Save (North America) From Sangogi (08/08/2011; 256KB) Complete game save. If the game was properly installed and you tap on "run game" button you will see some screens similar to the included in the previous screenshot. Just check the stats of your characters. 8 3) Once there, import a raw save (with the second icon from the left) 4) Save as mcr format Tried with a Spyro 2 save and it worked. The Playstation Datacenter - PS1, PS2 & PSP games databases with covers, cheats, screens, etc. Added: Sat. Pastinya langkahnya sederhana. Great package for revisiting certain events. To avoid future issues, the sequel was given the name Soul Calibur, as were all future installments. Oct PERFECT GAME SAVE - 200. It didn't save I have checked double triple checked the path of where the memory card is because it can load my old save data of Moo's Save State Tool: This is a clever tool that lets you organize the save states from ePSXe. a. To use it on a Windows PC, a custom USB driver needs to be installed. 0. 15 = Product Code Game PS1 001 = Nomor Slot Save State Pic = File screenshot save state Nahh kalau kalian menemukan penulisan nama file seperti gambar di I made a program for the PS1 that lets you edit your Save Game data for Castlevania SotN. Anyways, Tekken 3, one of the best fighters on the PS1, and easily the best out of the Tekken games on the system. 96. I used the North American release but it may work on the PSX-Place. Tak hanya itu, ePSXe juga hadir untuk PC. Theme Color; Light & Clear; Dark & Serious; Settings; Disable Ghosts/Bats; Disable Snow; Description: Castlevania game save for the PS1. This USB driver can be easily created and installed using Zadig by following these steps: 100% Complete, Normal New Game with Stealth, Bandana, Tuxedo and Red Ninja unlocked, Fully completed VR Missions with 1st ranks in all. From Menos (03/14/2009; 1KB) Level 1 with RPS badge in Lahan. & custom party which includes McDohl & two special characters. Jun 12, 2019 Downloads: 1,660 All PS1 Save Data is submitted by the community. PlayStation DexDrive Save (Europe) Save Slot 3: Courtyard Room B1. C:\Users\Thiago Monte\Saved Games\ePSXe 1. A Memory Card with complete saves for plenty of PS1 Tournament Fighting Classics! 0. 001", dan "SLUS_011. I was just grinding ff7 for 4 hours straight, closed the app and came back to an old save file with the last memory card save file from yesterday. Filesize: 5. All PS1 Save Data is submitted by the community. (Save ready for Suikoden III). 8 realized 1. But there is one major problem, that being the lack of an ability to save. Save @ very beginning of game right after intro videos w/ Squall, Quistis, Irvine @ lv. Save made near the very end of the game, plenty of first aid kits and rifle ammo. All weapons equipped six times each w. 59 KB Added: Wed. I used the North American release but it may work on the Asian and PAL releases too, but it is untested. GME I think) Load your game, then load the save (through the game as if you I continue playing but when I closed ePSXe and I opened it again and I tried to continue game I've noticed that my save game was gone. LOGIN; SIGN UP FREE! QUICK LINKS. None of my games show any saves in memory cards or save states now. I can't say if it'll work with DuckStation as I haven't personally given it a shot yet. Developer/Publisher: Namco. I downloaded BLAST FURNACE A, but I go to settings -> memory cards and make sure at least memcard slot 1 has a valid path and filename set (file doesn't have to exist, but the name must be valid). Downloads: 109. From HolyBomb (05/29/2002; 131KB) This is at the beginning of the game. 67 KB. Platform: PlayStation. was the first to move many of the game's items to different locations, Resident Evil 3 has a feature which moves healing items and ammunition to different locations each time a new game has started. 37 KB Added: Wed. All download files are save files for games and not ROMs or ISOs. Ultimate RE2 Save: Unlocked all secret weapons, costumes, all secret modes, all items in chest, infinite ammo and you can play as ADA WONG at the last save point of the part B of Leon's Story. Release: April 29, 1998. Use Fei, Bart and Citan for lots of damage. I just want to feel like playing again in ps and saving in memory cards. Download the file, place it in your ePSXe Memory Card folder (where your default cards are stored. Unsolved Nah man this shit got me mad depressed. This can be useful, given the size of a typical save state file. PS1 SAVE CONVERTER for PSP (. If you hit the red X in the corner of the game window, ePSXe will still run in the background (you can hear the game audio) and you will have to use Ctrl-Alt-Del to close ePSXe. My memory card location is right. A good save game with good cards : 3 jirai gumo (2200atk) 3 dark elf (2000 atk) and 3 thunder dragons (fusion two to make a monster 2800 at ) the game is after gathering the millenium items and getting back to the past ! PlayStation PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save (ZIP) (North America) In an interview around the time Gran Turismo 2 was being released, the developers stated they didn't find muscle cars to be an important part of automotive culture, but decided to add some into the game for broader appeal. Franchises: Tekken. I did save again but the same thing happens. Check your memory card configuration, and make sure you are closing ePSXe correctly. 31 KB Added: Wed. Sorry to ask this but I'm playing xenogears on psx emulator and when i tried to save game for the first time with the configuration "m1" inserted it successfully saved game. Bloody Roar 2 Complete Save (121) 07. 15. PS1 UTILITY TOOLS (PSX UTILITIES / PS1 SAVE GAME MOD TOOLS) - PS1 SAVE CONVERTER, PS1 CHECKSUM FIXER, VMP HASH FIXER for PS one classics, PSV HASH FIXER for PS1 Virtual memory card, SIMPLE HEX EDITOR, etc. Vahn at lv. Emulator ini bisa Anda gunakan untuk menyimpan game favorit. Open All Kinds Of FF7 Saves, PC, Psx, Emulator Formats, PS3, PSP; Insert New Games (default Savemap) to slots, or make a New Game + From your Old Saves; Export Saves As PC PSX or MCR/MCD; For JoJo's Bizarre Adventure on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 6 save games. ive got the latest version 1. From DJ_Shang_Tsung (03/08/2011; 131KB) Game completed one time with "good+" ending (there are different saves through the game). I have been playing several games over the last few months and have had no issues like this. Extract it to your RetroArch save directory. "Next fear" mode is available, where you can find channeling stone Clear save game with Army type and Battle type costumes unlocked. File Contents. 1. 000 Gems 150 Eggs 20 Skill Points Sparxs Abilities. Select the gamesave as your memory card in either slot 1 or 2. com Ultimate RE2 Save: Unlocked all secret weapons, costumes, all secret modes, all items in chest, infinite ammo and you can play as ADA WONG at the last save point of the part B of Leon's Story. Then choose File->Exit. This area is where you will find Game Saves for the PlayStation 1. Related Forum: Tekken 2 100% save game file for Retroarch european version (33) 04. mcr) Version: NTSC Filesize: 16. I used to play legend of legaia a few months back. From Mars (08/08/2010; 1KB) Save in the Debug Room (Disc 1) Jika Memory Card sudah di aktifkan , cara Save/Load pada game sama saja ibarat biasa. pic" untuk file screenshotnya. PS one Classics for PSP, PS1 virtual memory card for PS3, PS emulator for PC or smartphone, saved file extracted from PS1 memory card, Convert file formats such as VMP/PSV/MCR Hi Everyone. 39 KB. Menu. Some Games only Use O to Select and X To Cancel, In ePSXe Change The Sound Latency To Low To Fix Sound Skip Issues. ( Sound Preferences ) PlayStation 1 Game Saves (2,203) . Tekken 2 100% save game file for Retroarch european version (33) 04. Download File: SilentHillGame1ChildsRoom. 00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 1,609 Updated Mar 14, 2021. Emulator Version: SwanStation/PCSX Reloaded (RetroArch Linux) Hero McDohl, Flik, Viktor, Cleo, Alen and Rubi are the final party at the last save point in the game at level 60 each with all 108 Stars of Destiny alive including Gremino. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute; Games; 3DS; Android; Board/Card; iOS; PC; PlayStation 3; PlayStation 4; PlayStation 5; Switch; Vita; Xbox 360; Xbox One; THE WILD & WACKY PARTY GAME IN A 3D WORLD! IT'S PARTY TIME! - Up to 4 players can join in on Likewise I can save to a memory card, and I can load that save file while ePSXe is open, but when I close and reopen ePSXe the save file is back to what it was. Trap Gunner Complete Save (30) 05. ) Open ePSXe and select Config -> Memory Card. I (think) I have set up the memory cards. PlayStation PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save (ZIP) (North America) From Geminisaga12 (06/20/2012; 26KB) (Converted to PSP)90% all minigames,all digimons exept Magnadramon The PS3 Memory Card Adaptor is an official Sony USB adapter that allows reading and writing PS1 Memory Cards on a PlayStation 3. after that you restart the program and you don't get single files in the save folder anymore, but a memory card file (. All-region means this save game contains:. 3. A save state is an exact copy of the memory ePSXe uses (and therefor the PSX would use), which allows you to save your exact position in the game - unlike memory cards, which only I recently lost my save files on XEBRA MGS, so I decided to download a checkpoint from this link and continue where I was, but this time on ePSXe. 0 emulador Last save in the game: best weapons and armor, max gold, all additions mastered, and all characters at decent levels. 05. You can download game saves for popular PlayStation 1 RPGs from I'm having an issue where I can't seem to save/load a game. From Leonardo_28 (05/11/2016; 131KB) Save for SPANISH version with all modes and items unlocked. Many of the puzzle solutions are different in each playthrough. -NTSC UC Memory Card Save File For EPSXE & PCSX2 (. 3. Jun 13, 2019 Im using ePSXe on my Android. I tested this out Save for PAL version, various points in disc 2, at the end there's a clear game save with the HYPERVELOCITY gun unlocked, A rank, tons of EXP and BP to start with. Bushido Blade 2 Complete Save (51) 09. May 25, 2024. Bloody Roar 2 Complete Save (121) 08. halo kali ini saya akan menunjukkan bagaimana cara meng import save-save an lain bisa save-saven dari teman, atau kita dapat mendownload sendiri di situs gam Tekken 3 Save Game for PS3 with ALL!!! Got Your Own Save? You can submit game saves so our users can get to your level. From mike_tru (01/06/2004; 131KB) Saved at the Maximum Number of Battles - Converts save files for retro consoles: MiSTer, srm to sav, sav to srm, GameShark (sps and gsv), PS1, N64, DexDrive, Action Replay, Retron 5, Wii Virtual Console, Sega Saturn, Saroo, Sega CD, Nintendo Switch Online, emulators, various flash cartridge formats, and save states from online emulation websites. Tekken 1 100% save game file for Retroarch US version (39) 03. Theme Color; Light & Clear; Dark & Serious; Settings; Disable Ghosts/Bats A game save it the glitched save room in the uncompleted PSX Underground Gardens. mcr) IF BY ANY CHANCE YOU’RE Filesize: 54. From ChandooG (10/07/2002; 131KB) This is the save game just before the final fight in the 1st disc. PlayStation PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save (ZIP) (Europe) From Siegfried1086 (06/25/2020; 0KB) Complete 100% Spanish Version (SLES-02211) From farmery87 (07/16/2011; 2KB) With Epsxe save states, you can save your game progress at any point in time, allowing you to easily pick up where you left off without having to replay entire sections of the game. In Android 10 or less, ePSXe will scan your sdcard to find the path where the games was saved and it will create a list of games, which you can click to start to play. Nov / 12 / 2019 SAVE-EDITOR. Rival Schools Star Gladiator explodes in true 3-D on the PlayStation game console with characters and moves that you must experienc Tekken 3 An ancient evil force has reawakened, attacking in secret and feeding on the souls of mighty warriors. try again. Here are a few threads on this issue: Save Games from the beginning (/00/) with Rocket Launcher & Special Key available for each scenario. Oxide), also all level difficulties are unlocked. PSV) & PC. Multi-Card Play & Master Of Knifing unlocked. Added: Sun. Please do not ask us where to find ROMs or ISOs as the distribution of them is a violation of This area is where you will find Game Saves for the PlayStation 1. 001. Each 'f' is a save slot. I made a program for the PS1 that lets you edit your Save Game data for Castlevania SotN. Save/Load states ePSXe supports savestates. This save game format is (*. Save made in the caves. And Shared Memory Card to "on" 3. From DSLevantine (05/21/2006; 131KB) Save at the beginning of the game with all GF, all items, all cards, best weapons and best magic. From YOKISWAKYEWAKYE (11/07/2022; 1KB) 1) Copy your saves from your PS1 memory card to a usb (raw format) 2) Download and open the program MemcardRex 0. Description: 117% 20. I have been trying for an hour now to figure this out, but the memory card folder is empty AND when For Tekken 2 on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 12 save games. 🚀 Get 100% Off Your First Month with CustomGPT! 🚀Sign up for a Standard CustomGPT. Tekken 3 Complete Save (420) PlayStation DexDrive Save (North America) From JohnValor (03/21/2001; 131KB) 10 Golden Egg-Laying Chickens, 10 Medium Size Milk-Producing Cows (reproduced using the memory card duplication trick) Hi all In the process of setting up launchbox and tried epsxe today. Important items such as door keys are start the game on Retroarch go to settings in the game and select the following under options: a. 1 KB . From marchelok (06/30/2008; 8KB) Description: The 4th Survivor Mode Save File play as the bio suit guy "Flunk" Memory Card Save File For EPSXE & PCSX2 (. Operation Wipe-Out available. Filesize: 1. What exactly are they, and how can i use them? Can I use save states to change a game from one emulator to A video tutorial about how to use PlayStation 1 *. 00-1. Package of 35 save games from start to finish, non-cheating, all rare items found throughout, all characters, 5 generics main party, ending with level 80. This method also works for RetroArch (PS1 Beetle Core), ReArmed and Hi I'm new to emulating, and i was looking up savestates. (including all squirrels, squids etc. Action Replay Max DS (1. When playing a game I read you simply press f1 to save the game and then when reload the game you press f3 to pick up that save state. Memory Card Save File For EPSXE & PCSX2 (. Each 'f' is a A quick and easy guide on how to Import save files in the PS1 Emulator EPSXE for the PC. (DexDrive games are . Version: 1. From marchelok (06/30/2008; 8KB). For my first post ever-Yes, you most certainly can. From Mad_Monarch_Gyl (12/29/2006; 131KB) Suikoden II last save at L'Renouille ready for final battle. ) EVERY characters level at 99 with max stats. MemoryCard 0 Method to "Mednafen b. What I did was browse, then go to the folder with the memory cards and select each 100% Save. Today I woke up and ePSXe was trying to act like my bios file was missing, so I selected it and everything seemed to work until I opened one of my games. From dided21 (06/12/2008; 399KB) Saved outside final dungeon, all characters at LV99. You are not likely to run out of room Although the arranged version of Resident Evil: Director's Cut. Uses memory card slot 1. save the settings Just set up ePSX, and decided to play Silent Hill 1. I have been trying to use ePSXe, and the program itself works flawlessly. It should work with PCSX-ReARMed and the beetle core. All characters unlocked in Multi Player. mcr) Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog. Save Slot 4: Main Hall (New Game +) This save was made after getting the best ending with Jill and obtaining the closet key. dtifnvu ilxvej yigwfg tplol dwr kpv osdkai thfvsha tqhfka sboem isx vfbq lqdw iuygf axni