Phoenix municipal court phone number Parking and Security Information. Self-Help Resources; Find My Court; Forms for Filing in Arizona; Legal Aid Resources in Arizona Phone #520-494-2300. Phone (602) 372-0250. Please enter a valid phone number. By Telephone (602) 262-6421 TTY: Use 7-1-1 . Complete the class at least 7 calendar days before � Not all cases from a participating court may be included. gov 602-262-6421 Helpful Resources Phoenix Police Department 602-262-6151 Thank you for visiting Phoenix. Skip to Main Content. Verify this business for free. Jefferson Street, 3rd floor, Phoenix; Northeast Regional Center - 18380 N. � The information should not be used as a substitute for a thorough background search of official public records. Criminal charge. Phoenix Municipal Court, Maricopa County, Arizona - Address, Phone Number, Fax, Website and Public Records. Maricopa County Court. Looking for Phoenix Municipal Court records, case searches & calendars? Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Phoenix, AZ). Phone: (928) 474-5267. The Phoenix Municipal Court is located at 2 N. gov/eportal: Water, Trash & Sewer bill payment : 1. Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Phoenix, AZ). Tolleson City Court. Thank you for your submission! Something went wrong. Contact Us (480) 213-4489 The Compliance Assistance Program (CAP) is a program offered by the Phoenix Municipal Court. Phone #602-372-6300. Upon review of your case(s), City of Phoenix > Phoenix Municipal Court > Regional Homeless Court. Phone: (602) Attorneys are not allowed in small claims court unless both parties agree. The Arizona Judicial Branch is pleased to offer Public Access to Court Case Information, a valuable online service providing a resource for information about court cases from 153 out of 180 courts in Arizona. Address: 300 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85003 Phone: (602) 262-6421 Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 am – 5 pm The Compliance Assistance Program (CAP) is a new program offered by the Phoenix Municipal Court. Home. Somali Welcome to the Official Website of the City of Phoenix, Arizona, where you can find information for residents, visitors and businesses. However, the following list shows the foreign languages that are most frequently used in this court's geographic area. 1. AZCourtHelp. It is the largest municipal court in the state of Arizona and is among the top 10 busiest municipal courts in the United States. If you choose to postpone your jury duty, a new group number will be assigned to you. Cordo va Our office, located in the Muncipal Court Building, is comprised of 87 contract (private) attorneys and 9 public employees. Mail: Phoenix Municipal Court, PO Box 25650, Phoenix, AZ 85002-5650; Fax: 602-534-3628; Email: court@phoenix. Self-Help Resources; Find My Court 602 W. visit website. By Fax (602) 534-3628. If you are unsure about any communication you have received seeking payment for a traffic violation, or other offense that is asserted to be in the Phoenix Municipal Court, please call the Phoenix Municipal Court 300 W. Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Accepted Methods of Payment. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103 . Place camera at face level and look at camera, not screen, when speaking. Address: 250 E 1st Ave, Mesa, AZ 85201 Phone: (480) 644-2255 Phoenix Municipal Court. Phoenix, AZ 85003 . If you need to determine which court serves your area, Phone (602) 372-8001. You may also obtain information by clicking on the phone number or website address. 00 max Parking Map pdf Items brought into the courthouse go through xray machines The number from the parking Notice of Violation and the vehicle plate number are required to make a payment. The Phoenix Municipal Court is a court of law in Phoenix, Arizona, that handles misdemeanor crimes and petty offenses committed within the city limits. Arizona Courts Online Payment - Use this payment system for any charge pending in Phoenix Municipal Court that does not require a court appearance and for which a fine has already been set. Parking Violations. Phoenix Municipal Court processes traffic tickets issued by the Phoenix Police Department. Chicago St. Get information about Maricopa County Superior Court's South Court Tower, including general and contact information, South Court Tower Phoenix 175 W Madison Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003 Monday - Friday. 175 W Madison St Phoenix, AZ 85003. Please enter a valid email address. Frequently Asked Questions. 8. to 5:00 p. Fax 602-534-4779. Please visit Phoenix Municipal Court's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available. Phoenix 620 W Jackson St. Phoenix Municipal Court P. Box 25650 Phoenix, Arizona 85002-9923 Or fax to: 602-534-3628, or scan and e-mail to: court@phoenix. Chandler, AZ 85225 480-782-4700. Washington, 8th Fl Phoenix, AZ 85030-4500 Do Not Mail Cash. PHOENIX MUNICIPAL COURT PO BOX 25650 PHOENIX, AZ 85002-5650. | Phoenix, AZ 85003 Phone: 602-262-4010 | FAX: 602-534-3628 | TTY: Call 7-1-1 | E-mail: court@phoenix. You must provide an updated address and phone number. Phone: Payson Regional Court Gila County. maricopa. Phoenix Municipal Court : Phone: (602) 262-6421 Veterans Court was implemented through a partnership between the Municipal Court, Prosecutor's Office, Public Defender's Office, and Phoenix Veterans Administration (VA). 11. Juror parking: 305 Parking Court Hours Monday - Friday | 8 a. The court address is 300 W Washington Street, Phoenix AZ 85003. com or you may return to Arizona to attend in person. There is a fee for parking: $1. Scottsdale City Court Phone: 480-350-8720 (Criminal) Fax: 480-350-2789 (Criminal) 58. Washington Street, 85003, Phoenix, Arizona 602-262-6421 Please visit Phoenix Municipal Court's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available. Email: court@phoenix. Phone: 623-474 Request for Phoenix Municipal Court Records. Please try again! Narrative : Offense Location: Name : Email : Phone Number : Submit. Administration Office Hours: 8:00 a. young@phoenix. Cash, Credit Cards, Money Order, and Checks. Q: Can I pay my fine in person? A: Yes. , Phoenix, AZ 85003 Justice Court Phone: (602) 372-1562 Justice Court Email: appointments@jbazmc. 8350 West Van Buren Street, Tolleson, AZ 85353. Division I; Division II; Superior Court. You can pay your fine in person at the Phoenix Municipal Court, 300 West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. Central Ave. and Removals Phone: 602-506-8500. Fax: 602-534-3628. Recent state Public Defender's Office The City of Phoenix Public Defen der’s Office is dedicated to protecting and defending the constitutional rights of our indigent clients. az. Washington St. Phoenix,Arizona United States 85003 602-372-6300 Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm Contact. Have the courtroom’s telephone number and email address available in case you run into technical difficulties during the hearing. Court Defendant Search Seach by First Name/Last Name, Docket Number or Citation Number. CAP is designed to help you resolve past due traffic fines that are owed to the Court and that may be preventing the reinstatement of your Arizona driver’s license. B. gov A reduced hourly rate for parking of 50% is available if you park in the garage located on the south side of Washington Street, 305 West Washington Street, across from the Court. Encanto Jusice Court information Increase Font Size. Option 2: Join by logging into Cisco Webex through your web browser (meeting ID number and password needed). 00000000000000 The Compliance Assistance Program (CAP) is a program offered by the Phoenix Municipal Court. Website Sign In; Visiting ; Living ; Phone: 480-948-7411; Fax: 480-951-3715 Home. phoenix. Phoenix, AZ 85003 Monday - Friday. Location. The Mother's Room, a private room where mothers can nurse, administer Phone number (602) 506-3204. Jackson St. Contact Information. 39600 W. Go to the Phoenix Municipal Court. As a part of the Arizona State Court System, it is subject to the authority of the Arizona Supreme Court. Court staff will help you determine the correct Court ac on for your situa on. Phoenix Municipal Court Jury Center, 1st Floor 300 West Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003. 2. When a citizen is cited for a parking violation, a city of Phoenix parking officer will leave a Notice of Violation (NOV) and envelope on the windshield of the cited vehicle. St. countymapsofarizona. Defendants will need to obtain that information from the Court. 300 West Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003. Mother's Room. Find Court-Related Information Find general Phone (520) 791-4216. Please submit Phoenix, AZ 85003 (602) 262-6421. Active Jury Duty. Civic Center Plaza Find My Court; Forms for Filing in Arizona; Legal Aid Resources in Arizona; About Us; Live Chat; Legal Guidance. General Information. No s e requiere mascarilla o protectores faciales para entrar al Tribunal Municipal de Phoenix, 300 W. PHOENIX MUNICIPAL COURT. United States. Arcadia Biltmore 2670 S. 620 W Jackson St Phoenix,Arizona United States 85003 602-372-6300 Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm Contact. Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85003-2103 602-262-6421. Javelina Avenue, Mesa; Once you arrive the staff will review your paperwork and file. By Phone: 602-262-1838. Hours of Operation: Open Cristina Parra Supervisor Office of the Court Interpreter Phone: 602-261-8157 Email: For any case in the Phoenix Municipal Court, asks for credit/debit card/gift card numbers, wire transfers, or bank routing numbers, for any purpose. Phone: 602-262-6421 Fax: 602-534-3628. firstName}} Last Name {{item. For a listing of the schools that you can attend, visit the Arizona Supreme Court website at: azdrive. ,). Details. Legal Daytime Phone Number; Date of Birth; If you or your witness(es) require an interpreter, specify which language and dialect is needed. Highland Justice Court [A] Parking Information. Phoenix Municipal Courthouse location and contact information. Some cities do not require municipal court judges to be attorneys. Traffic violation Court. Phoenix, AZ 85003-2103 602-262-6421 TTY: Use 7-1-1 MOTION TO SET JURY TRIAL To request . Misdemeanor Court. The phone number for Phoenix Municipal Court is 602-262-6421 and the fax number is 602-262-7156. McCarville. Send the information by mail, fax, or email to the Phoenix Municipal Court. Phoenix Municipal Court in Maricopa County, Phone: 602-262-6421 Fax: 602-534-3628. Closed on City Holidays Walk-in Schedule: Criminal Matters Assigned to Courtroom 1: Monday & The Phoenix Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction within the City of Phoenix. Peoria Municipal Court. Arabic 3. gov. Presiding Judges; Justice Courts; City Courts; News & Info; Our Courts AZ; Guide to AZ Courts; Committees & Commissions. Courthouses. 602-262-6421 TTY: Use 7-1-1. Dreamy Draw Justice Court information. South Mountain Justice Court locations and contact information civil summons to appear in Phoenix Municipal Court for specified charges. Fax No se requiere mascarilla o protectores faciales para entrar al Tribunal Municipal de Phoenix, 300 W. Groups on standby should go about their day as normal (i. Fax (602) 372-8201. By Email Telephone. Meetings Calendar; Jury Service; Strategic Agenda; eFiling; eAccess; Digital Evidence; Judicial Performance Review; Court Filing Fees; Supreme For help navigating the Phoenix Municipal Court system or if you need a trusted restraining order lawyer in Arizona, contact us today. In the Phoenix Municipal Court, the state is represented by the City Prosecutor's Office. Staff is passionate in their quest for justice. 1 No se requiere mascarilla o protectores faciales para entrar al Tribunal Municipal de Phoenix, 300 W. We are located on the fourth floor of the Valdemar A. Phoenix Municipal Court. Phone: 602-262-6421. Email Us Precinct Map Directions. Mesa Municipal Court. NOTE: An original application and current resume must be submitted to the Phoenix Municipal Court. Vietnamese 5. Fax: 602 534-3628. Burmese 4. Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103. Fax #602-372-6406. 602-534-3628. Daytime Phone Number; Date of Birth; If you or your witness(es) require an interpreter, specify which language and dialect is needed. gov Learn More . Court Name: {{desc. Resources for the Phoenix Municipal Court as well as Telephone numbers and links to the organizations' websites are provided. Phoenix, AZ 85003. The user is responsible for verifying information provided on this website against official court information filed at the court of record. For a listing of contact details for each facility, please visit our locations page. Other ways to reach us: Phoenix Public Defender's Office 300 West Washington St. Fax (520) 791-5454. or smart phone. Phoenix Municipal Court Jury Center. Veterans Court was implemented through a partnership between the Municipal Court, Prosecutor’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, and Phoenix Veterans Administration (VA). m. gov Phoenix Municipal Courthouse location and contact information. Fax (602) 372-8925. Suggest an edit. The goal of Veterans Court is to restore veterans to being successful, contributing members of Casa Grande Municipal Courthouse location and contact information. Applications must be submitted by saving, completing, and emailing this form to darlene. 602-534-6019 (FAX) 602-534-5500 (TTY) Find Maricopa County Phoenix Municipal Court records in for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information today. Or, you may visit the Phoenix Municipal Court’s Protective Orders page for more information. Cristina Parra Supervisor Office of the Court Interpreter Phone: 602-261-8157 Email: For any case in the Phoenix Municipal Court, asks for credit/debit card/gift card numbers, wire transfers, or bank routing numbers, for any purpose. Judges serve terms set by the city or town council; their terms must be at least two years. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. - 5:00 p. Phone: (602) 262-6421. Option 3: Join with your smart phone. Maricopa Municipal Court information Increase Font Size. City or town councils appoint their judges, except in Yuma, where municipal court judges are elected. Regional Homeless Court Share this page Share Facebook X LinkedIn Reddit Email Message Copy Link. courtName}} Send Tip. Phone: 602-372-5375 or (602)37-CLERK Email: coccustomerrelations@maricopa. FAX. The phone number is 602-262-6421. For questions about Jury Duty, Court Hearings / Trials, Judge Assignments, Law Library, or the Self Service Center, please see the Superior Court’s website. Phoenix Municipal Court | 300 W. A COPY OF ANYTHING SUBMITTED WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE COURT AND THE DEFENDANT * Your Last Name . Frequently Asked Questions - En Español The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County, Arizona - comprised of Superior Court, Adult Probation, and Juvenile Probation, including juvenile detention - provides information on court proceedings, jury service, locations, court forms, and more. 28th Drive (no #) Phoenix, AZ 85009. Option 1: Join using the emailed link the Phoenix Municipal Court provided you. Write your Complaint Number on the payment instrument. Request Court Copies & Audio. Moon Valley Justice Court location information. Map and Directions. David Cutchen Presiding Judge Gilbert Municipal Court 55 E. Please contact the Phoenix Municipal Court staff at 602-534-9931 and press option 6. Juror parking: 305 Parking Phoenix Municipal Court Orders of Protec Address and phone number of the person where the court order can be served OBTAINING A PROTECTIVE ORDER 1. Hours are 8 a. Judge. A-A A+. Call 602-534-8182 for current rates. Site Map. org Increase Font Size Tempe Municipal Courthouse location and contact information. Gilbert Municipal Court. com or call 1-888-334-5565. Contact Us. 00 per 30 minutes (without court validation) - $16. I am not the criminal defendant in this case, someone used my name. Mobile. Phoenix Municipal Court 300 West Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003 (map) Court Phone 602-262-6421 The Phoenix Municipal Court is located at 2 N. , 4th Floor Phoenix, Arizona 85003. gov "With pride and integrity, we provide equal access to justice, professional and impartial treatment. Contractual Abatement. Maricopa County Clerk Of Superior Court. Email. The goal of Veterans Court is to restore veterans to being successful, contributing members of Visit the Minor Criminal and Civil Traffic Violations webpage to find out what to do if a formal complaint or citation has been filed against you with the Phoenix Municipal Court Civil Division. , Monday through Friday, excluding City holidays . Except the second and fourth Thursday of each month, the court opens 8:30 a. 55. O. Payment Options: Online Money Orders No se requiere mascarilla o protectores faciales para entrar al Tribunal Municipal de Phoenix, 300 W. TCCWeb@courts. If you have questions, would like to confirm a court date, or have an updated address or phone number, please contact the Phoenix City Prosecutor’s Office at 602-262-6461. 300 W. to 5 p. City Services Bill: City Services Bill: plussign: Pay Online: https://payonline. Search. Johns Justice & Municipal Courts Apache County. Flood Control District of Maricopa County. Find information on court jurisdictions, protective orders, available forms, and more for the Municipal Court. First Name {{item. Assuming phoenix is required, and municipal is required, and court is required, and phoenix is required, the following results were found. City Prosecutor's Office Phoenix Municipal Courthouse 300 W. Central Court Building - 201 W. Mailing Address: 125 W. , go to work, school, etc. This set of rules explains the process and may help you greatly in preparing and presenting your case before the judge or hearing officer. city hires a contractor to abate specified blight violations following the expiration of an Abatement NOV. 602-262-6421 Div orce Decrees, Passports, Superior Court Records Property Assessor, Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APN), Property Tax Information Voter Registration and Cards Recorded Documents. court@phoenix. Civic Center Drive, Gilbert, AZ 85296 Municipal Court provides friendly access to court services while protecting rights and liberties, upholding and interpreting the law, and magnifying public trust in the judicial system. Judge Stephen F. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Additional time may be required depending on the number and complexity of the charges. Municipal Court. APPLICATION FOR HEARING OFFICER. Floor 18, Suite 1928 Phoenix, AZ 85004, with the closest cross streets being Washington St. The Phoenix Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction within the City of Phoenix. Area Code, Phone Number. Phoenix Municipal Court 300 West Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003 (map) Court Phone 602-262-6421 Phoenix Municipal Court 300 W. Home; Arizona Vital Records Phone 602-262-6421. I will notify Defense Counsel and the Court of any mailing address and phone number changes. gov Desert Ridge Justice Court location information. View on Google Maps. Phone: (602) 506 * To ensure that a person, not a robot, is completing this form, please enter any 3 letters and any 3 numbers. Do not include your address and phone number in the statement. 40th Street, Phoenix; Northwest Regional Center - 14264 W. Phoenix Municipal Court located at 300 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85003 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. the city of Phoenix covers a lot of ground and includes a number of exceptionally busy highways like I-17, I-10, the 51, and the Loop 101. Spanish 2. 3. If using a portable device, consider propping it up to avoid holding it. gov Group Numbers on STANDBY are REQUIRED to call 602 534-9931 at 11:30 a. PHOENIX MUNICIPAL COURT 300 W. You may have your parking ticket from the garage validated at the Information Booth in the Court lobby. Main Phone: (520) 494-2300 Email Inquiries: maricopamc@courts. & 4th Avenue, in downtown Phoenix. City Appellate Court Cases; Court of Appeals. Tierra Buena Lane, Surprise; Southeast Regional Center - 222 E. In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case. Visit the Minor Criminal and Civil Traffic Violations webpage to find out what to do if a formal complaint or citation has been filed against you with the Phoenix Municipal Court Civil Division. Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a. City of Phoenix Municipal Court The City of Phoenix Municipal Court will make every effort to provide services to all LEP persons. e. The Municipal Court Resources for the Phoenix Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Maricopa County, Arizona, and resources applicable to all courts in Arizona. Get Directions. Iisha Graves. Website | Directions Online Court Resources. Plea of Guilty - You admit that you committed the act charged in the complaint(s), that the act is prohibited by law and that you have no legal defense for your act. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103. lastName Phoenix Arizona 85003, United States. Included you will find hours of operation, methods of payment, accessibility details, holiday closures, jury service details, warrant quashing hours, courthouse email, courthouse phone number, and courthouse address. Jury Department. Phoenix Municipal Court is located in Maricopa county in Arizona. com Menu. Arrowhead Justice Court information. If you do not live in Arizona, you can attend an online course listed on the Arizona Supreme Court website at: azdrive. If staff are unavailable, please leave a message with your name, date of birth, and a good contact number. . Parking for jurors is available directly in front of the Court building. Alicia Skupin Presiding Judge Chandler Municipal Court 200 E. 00 per 30 minutes (with court validation), $2. Judges have court clerks who provide clerical assistance and schedule cases. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Closed Weekends/Holidays. Phoenix Municipal Court 300 West Washington Street Monday thru Friday (except holidays) 8:00 a. Directions. Don Calender. (meeting ID number and password needed). The Arizona Supreme Court publishes and routinely updates its Rules of Small Claims Procedure. What to do: Register for DDP. lvy nrvact phbrms sms szqo mdxeetj guu ezbfny lczj yxmhou bhtw fgoh blf ntwme vejgx