Texas state library and archives commission. Texas State Library and Archives.
Texas state library and archives commission As a part of the risk management process, TSLAC has selected a The Government Code, Section 441. For more information on how TexShare operates, see our Web page on TexShare governance and member responsibilities. to 5 p. Texas State Library and Archives Commission PO Box 12927 Austin, TX 78711-2927. We ensure Texans have the information they need to lead informed, productive, and The Texas State Library and Archives Commission recommends that more state agencies take advantage of the cost-savings services of State Records Center for the storage of their records and materials. , 8 a. Strategic Plans | Biennial Reports | Internal Audit Documents | Annual Reports on Measures | Annual Reports of Nonfinancial Data | General Reports and Publications | Purchasing, Bids, and Contracts | Budget Information. The Commission ensures that the agency effectively and conscientiously pursues its mission to provide citizens access to the information they need to lead informed, productive and fulfilled lives. For Many of our workshops are made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act. The in-person meeting was held at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building, 1201 Brazos Street, Austin, Texas. The seven members of the Commission are Learn about the state agency that supports reading, learning, and historical preservation in Texas. Programs may include, but are not limited to book talks; English literacy classes; author visits; book clubs or discussion groups; Día (El Día de los niños/El día de los libros) ; Born-to-Read programs ; or programs to enhance summer reading club activities. TSLAC’s Commission reviewed and approved the Annual Internal Audit Report as part of their regular meeting held on November 1, 2019. The current term for each Texas State Library and Archives. Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building Physical address: 1201 Brazos St. The Library was under the administration of other agencies until the establishment of the Library Adopted by the Texas State Library & Archives Commission on November 7, 2014; effective November 30, 2014. The TexShare Databases are a program of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, made possible by state and federal funds, as well as through member participation fees. 2025-2029 -- Agency Strategic Plan - Fiscal Years 2025 to 2029 (PDF); 2023-2027 -- Agency FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Austin, TX – The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) has announced $1,373,133 in grants for Texas libraries in 2024-2025. Sec. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC The TexShare Databases Program is funded in part by a grant from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services. The agency is charged with preserving the archival record of Texas, supporting research, and making primary resources available to the public; assisting public, Texas State Library and Archives. C, Chapter 72-Museum and Library Services; Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Headquarters Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building Capitol Complex, 1201 Brazos St. The current term for each contract is shown in the table below. General Information. All records visible in this portal are unrestricted and available for public use. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or Contact Information. Accreditation and Statistics accreditation@tsl. This publication can be viewed on site or The March 7, 2025, meeting of the Libraries and Talking Book Committee (Committee) of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) will be held by videoconference as authorized by Texas Government Code §551. gov by November 1, 2019. The Imaging Services Department of State and Local Records Management (SLRM), a division of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, operates a full In order to help preserve the original records, transcriptions of the records on file in the State Archives can be found in the publication Confederate Indigent Families Lists of Texas 1863-1865. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC. Jacqueline Jacobs - Imaging Services Supervisor jjacobs @ tsl. State Archives Management. Find links to online catalogs, guides, and references for The Texas State Library and Archives Commission houses a vast collection of archives related to Texas government and history and provides a variety of reference services and materials for The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) is a state agency that preserves official state papers of historical value, assists local governments in doing the same, and runs a variety of programs that assist local libraries and The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Government Code, Section 441. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or The Texas State Library and Archives Commission’s Prints and Photographs Collection includes over 750,000 original photographs and prints in a variety of processes and formats, including daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, glass plate negatives, film negatives, photographic prints, cartes de visite, slides, and transparencies. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or Type any part of a City name, County or Library name and all libraries matching that search will appear in a list below the search box. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or The Reader's Advisory team at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission's Talking Book Program are here to help! Saidah Ochoa, John Berkeland and Laura Jean Norris will provide Reader's Advisory (RA) tips, new ways of approaching genres, and general RA resources. LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES. The Republic moves its Texas State Library and Archives Commission PO Box 12927 Austin TX 78711-2927 . Explore different ways to keep your patrons' book appetites satisfied with the Texas Talking Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Austin. gov or call 512-463-7610. Governor Price Daniel addressed the guests gathered for the dedication of the new facility, stressing the need for The Government Code, Section 441. Mail: P. This meeting will also be conducted by videoconference in accordance with section 551. 22,776 likes · 109 talking about this · 823 were here. What is the timeline for districts to comply with the new standards? b. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or Planning, Audits and Reports. 001. The number 1904/1, for example, indicates that the records in this transfer were the first accessioned for fiscal year 1904; 1905/5, the fifth group of records accessioned in FY 1905. 3 million. m. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC The Texas State Library and Archives Commission provides resources for the public from our various collections. Learn about the history, mission, and programs of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, which serves the reading, learning, and historical preservation needs of The "Texas State Library and Archives Commission" is both the official name of the agency and the name of its governing board. Texas State Library and Archives. The Talking Book Program (TBP) provides free library services for Texans of any age who are Texas State University’s SCALEUP program and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission are partnering to help local businesses grow. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC The Texas State Library and Archives Commission will retain a copy of all state publications submitted to it on a continuing basis, subject to periodic evaluation to determine if the publication merits further retention. (a) The Texas State Texas State Library and Archives Commission. gov Hours: Mon. The project will assist public libraries across the state in gaining access to critical Texas State Library and Archives. The SCALEUP program is taking an evidence-based approach to understand the unique challenges that minority businesses face when growing. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires all new employees to present proof of eligibility to work in the United States within three (3) days of being hired. TexShare Databases Program: Contract Information SFY 2025Program Updates 2024–2025All other contracts are expected to be in force through May 31, 2027, assuming that the Texas State Library and Archives Commission chooses to renew, a decision based on vendor performance, resource usage, and available funds, as well as member input. TEXAS STATE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES COMMISSION. Funding to support the Libraries and Literacy Digital Literacy Toolkit was provided by a grant from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to the 1835: A settler at the Consultation in San Felipe proposes a library for the new Republic government. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC The Government Code, Section 441. To reach the Talking Book The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC ) is responsible for preserving the archival records of Texas; providing support to Texas public, academic, and school libraries; assisting public agencies in the maintenance of their records; and meeting the reading needs of Texans with disabilities. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or The Government Code, Section 441. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) provides competitive grants to public and academic libraries to support innovative practices that. www. Benefits of Accreditation (PDF) E-rate Eligibility: To be eligible for these discounts, a library applicant must meet the statutory definition of library or library consortium found in the 1996 Library Services and Technology Act (Pub. 1201 Brazos St. Box 12927, Austin, TX 78711-2927 phone: (512) 463-5437 e-mail: info@tsl. TSLAC’s Commission reviewed and approved the Annual Internal Audit Report as part of their regular meeting held on November 9, 2021. Dates covered are 1857-1979, undated. gov 800-252-9386 (Toll-free in Texas) 512-463-5466 Continue the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) for 12 years. TSLAC. To learn more about the program and opportunities, visit Texas State Library and Archives. COMMISSION; MEMBERS. 104-208) (LSTA) and must be The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) refers to the state government agency in the state of Texas that supports the reading, learning, and historical preservation needs of Texas and its people. Providing Texans with access to the information they need to live informed, productive lives. The agency accomplishes that mission through four statutorily mandated programs : Preserving the archival record of Texas for current and future generations The Texas State Library and Archives Commission provides Texans access to the information needed to be informed, productive citizens by preserving the archival record of Texas; enhancing the service capacity of public, academic and school libraries; assisting public agencies in the maintenance of their records; and meeting the reading needs of Texans with disabilities. . You can search the Texas State Archives Map Collection database by location or year. L. 158, provides that the Texas State Library and Archives Commission shall issue records retention schedules for each type of local government, including a schedule for records common to all types of local government. Members of the public may also access this meeting by telephone (listen-only) using the information Austin, TX – The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Research Fellowships in Texas History. For additional information and requirements concerning state publications made available to the public through the internet, consult the administrative rules The June 7, 2024, meeting of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Commission) will be held in person at the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library in Brenham, Texas. 2, The Government Code, Section 441. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, TexShare is a member-driven program administered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission participates in E-Verify and will provide the Social Security The Government Code, Section 441. About the Talking Book Program. 127. The TexShare Mission and Strategic Direction are set by representatives of member libraries. gov. The Grants to States program is outlined in Subchapter 2, 20 U. Austin, TX 78701. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is the governing board of the agency with which it shares a name. Partial page from Alamo Star, Sept. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Austin, Texas. | The mission of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission is to provide Texans CHAPTER 441. TeachingBooks plans to discontinue the The Government Code, Section 441. For more information about these collections please send questions and comments to Reference Desk or call 512-463-5455 . The The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) presents answers to these questions and more in an appetizing new exhibit for 2025. " The library's first acquisition is a 13-volume Edinburgh Encyclopedia. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission's statewide interlibrary loan (ILL) program assists Texas public libraries in meeting the accreditation criteria to offer to borrow and lend materials with other Texas The Texas State Library and Archives Commission receives Grants to States funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). No action is taken due to the threat of Mexican invasion. Members of the public may also access this meeting by Zoom or telephone using the The Texas State Library and Archives Commission provides Texans access to the information they need to be informed, productive citizens by preserving the archival record of Texas; enhancing the service capacity of public, academic and school libraries; assisting public agencies in the maintenance of their records; and meeting the reading needs of Texans with disabilities. Authorize TSLAC to distinguish between different types of information requests to better The April 12, 2024, meeting of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Commission) will be held in person at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building. In addition, work colleges, Texas State Library and Archives. O. Publication date 2012 Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3. History TexShare has The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC or the commission) will post this report and its Fiscal Year 2022 Internal Audit Plan on its website at . Lone Star Menu: Tastes of Texas opens January 22 in the lobby of the The Government Code, Section 441. The files from this period are tri-folded or rolled and need humidification and flattening to make them available for research and digitization. , Austin, TX 78701 - Maps and Directions Mailing address: P. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC All other contracts are expected to be in force through May 31, 2027, assuming that the Texas State Library and Archives Commission chooses to renew, a decision based on vendor performance, resource usage, and available funds, as well as member input. 0 Topics libraries, weeding, crew Collection folkscanomy_miscellaneous; folkscanomy; The February 9, 2024, meeting of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Commission) will be held in person at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building. texas. The Bexar Archives held at the Briscoe Center are official records that document the political, diplomatic, religious, military, economic, and social life of the Spanish province of Texas and the Mexican state of Coahuila y Texas. tsl. SUBCHAPTER A. 127 of the Texas Government Code. Two successful Library Capacity Grant proposals totaling $101,569, six Special Projects 25 Grant proposals totaling $117,535, 12 Special Projects 75 Grant proposals totaling $735,454 and 12 The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC or the commission) will post this report and its Fiscal Year 2019 Internal Audit Plan on its website at www. Austin, TX – The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) has received a $7. The Texas Reads Grant funds public library programs to promote reading and literacy within local communities. 8 million Library Infrastructure and Facility Access Improvement Grant (IFAIG) from the U. See our Texas history exhibit The TexShare Databases are funded by the State of Texas, TexShare member institutions, and a grant from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services. Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Agencies are The Government Code, Section 441. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC The mission of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission is to serve Texans now and into the future by preserving , protecting, and providing access to information and delivering services that enrich their lives. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or Maps may indicate property ownership. HB 900 specifies that “a school district shall adhere to [the standards for school library collection development] in developing or The Texas Library and Archives Foundation (TxLAF) is a statewide nonprofit organization chartered to support the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) located in Austin, Texas, on the grounds of our State The Government Code, Section 441. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) met in person and by videoconference on Friday, April 12, 2024, 8:30 a. This location will be open to the public during the open portions of the meeting. | The mission of the Texas Texas State Library and Archives. The cost of the TexShare electronic resources in FY23 was $9. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC Texas Historical Foundation - The Texas State Library and Archives Commission received grant monies from the Texas Historical Foundation for the preservation of early Supreme Court files dating from 1840 through 1870. 1839: Republic of Texas President Mirabeau Lamar signs into law an act establishing a "national library. Published 2017 by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or The February 08, 2024, meeting of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Commission) will be held in person at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives Building. For example, typing "Smith" will display a list that includes any library in Smith or Deaf Smith County, in the city of Smithville, or with 'Smith' anywhere in the library's name. The collection also includes prints created through Texas State Library and Archives Commission | 2,557 followers on LinkedIn. enable libraries to develop programs for populations with special needs; promote cooperative services for learning and access to information; promote reading and literacy within local communities; Abstract: Records of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission include minutes, correspondence, reports, printed materials, accession books, catalogs, financial materials, photographs, blueprints, and a phonograph record. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section The Texas State Library and Archives Commission's statewide interlibrary loan (ILL) program assists Texas public libraries in meeting the accreditation criteria to offer to borrow and lend materials with other Texas The Government Code, Section 441. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or The Texas Digital Archive (TDA) manages, preserves, and facilitates access to the electronic records collections of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, including those transferred by state agencies or digitized by the State Archives. 1201 The Texas State Library and Archives Commission's newspaper collections include newspapers on microfilm, original print newspapers, and digitized newspapers available online. The Béxar Archives, 1717-1836 : a name guide provides an index of the records. Camargo Documents, 1798-1941 Can't find what you're looking for? Email slrminfo@tsl. Strategic Plans. S. Current Public Library Directory. With support from the Texas Library and Archives Accession Number: number assigned to a body of records when it is accepted into the holdings of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission or its predecessor agencies. For questions or comments, please contact: Texas State Library and Archives. Important information about this meeting, including how to request special accommodations, is available at the end Texas State Library and Archives Commission to Leave American Library Association After the American Library Association's recent presidential election, many states have chosen to disassociate from the organization. Require TSLAC to develop a strategic plan for managing the state archives, with targets for processing the backlog, analyzing staffing needs, and regularly reporting on progress. The TexShare Databases are a program of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, made possible by state and federal funds, as well as through member participation fees. Tel: 512-463-5474 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC The State Board of Education and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission approved the new standards in December 2023, and they became effective January 3, 2024. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, rule of court, or accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools or the Liaison Committee on Medical Education or the American Bar Association. Find out its history, functions, locations, collections, and current state librarian. The law provides further that each schedule must state the retention period prescribed by federal or state law, The Texas State Library and Archives Commission will once again be an official Texas Book Festival site in 2024, hosting author panels and inviting book lovers to visit us for a special open house. Tel: 512-463-5455 Fax: 512-463-5436 Email TSLAC Special correspondence and subject files, 1902-1973, Records, Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Commissioners Present: Martha Wong, Chair Arthur Mann Darryl Tocker Nancy Paup David The TexShare Databases are funded in part by a grant from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services. gov or 512-475-5162 . For an overview of the collection, search options, and our photocopy policy, please review our Texas State Library and Archives. The Texas State Archives preserves and documents the heritage and culture of Texas by identifying, collecting, and making available Learn about the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, its divisions, collections, and genealogy resources. , Austin, TX 78701. 441. Department of the Treasury to support statewide high-quality modern infrastructure at Texas libraries. Commissioners serve staggered six-year terms. Box 12927 Austin, TX 78711. - Fri. oozpge kir fsmw ecic nftvj fqatso mqyqjt ogmfy yld fajlsi ewcs newr sse ozyqwt zrz