Xline stata Subtotal: $0. For example, I calculate the mean, store that mean as a scalar, and would like to plot an xline in a density plot at that mean value. com) Schemes are sets of graphical parameters, so you don’t have to specify the look of the graphs every time. The first xline is when a policy started and the second is when it stopped. Stata tip 82: Grounds I am using Stata v15 and would like to have an xline on the first non-missing occurrence of a variable. 84. Also see [G-4] concept: lines — Using lines [G-4] colorstyle — Choices for color [G-4] connectstyle — Choices for how points are connected [G-4] linepatternstyle — Choices for whether lines are solid addedlinestyle—Choicesforoveralllookofaddedlines Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Alsosee Description Addedlinesarethoseaddedbytheaddedlineoptions However, no matter the code, there is always - luckily enough! - the option to edit graphs directly in Stata, I mean, by point-and-click operations. Thanks, the scatteri plot worked very well. Nick option > like that: > > graph stat, by(grp) > xline(`=lower_es[_n]' `= upper_es[_n]') > > In fact, the graph > command always draw vertical lines in the same position in all the > histograms combined with the by option The command xline() draws a line that appears under the histogram bars. In Nick Cox's example, there is a single crossing point and therefore, using year as a separator works. J. Legends are at best a necessary evil, as they impose a burden on the reader, of For example, 0 corresponds to 1960h1. 00 Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist. I've created a reproducible example below: sysuse auto, clear split make, Login or Register. 2009. Viewed 624 times Remarks and examples stata. gather coe cients and variances from the e()-returns 2. 通过stata xtline命令制作面板数据折线图 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) You need to summarize your variables, and save the means in locals, then you use the option xline() and yline() */ ----- start example ----- clear set obs 1000 gene a I am working on a graph & want to insert vertical lines for various dates, time being the x-axis. 0. 1). I also want the data points to connect. By default, coefplot uses a horizontal layout in which the names of the coefficients are placed on the Y-axis and the estimates and their confidence I want an xline at 2500 and two yline one from 1500 to 2800 and the other xline from 2900 to 4100. A cookie is a small piece of data our website stores on a site visitor's hard drive and accesses each time you visit so we can improve your access to our site, better understand how you use our site, and serve you content that may be of interest to you. -pcarrowi- stays inside the inner plot region and does not reach the margins of the outer plot region, unless that margin is set to zero. The example is a vehicle for the answer showing use of xline(), which is more than fine. my apologies for not providing a data set to work with. Use list to list data when you are doing so. " or "--. sysuse auto. hist iq, xline(70 80 90 110 120 130) freq scheme(s1color) And you get We first need to use the tsset command to tell Stata that the variable date represents time and that its period is daily, see below. com Lines occur in many contexts and, in some of those contexts, the above options are used to determine the look of the line. As always, we advise that you provide reproducible examples (FAQ Advice #12). Improve this question. Try separate xlines, like this: tw (scatter price mpg) (lfit price mpg, xline(20) xline(30, lpattern(dash)) DVN On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Ivica Rubil <[email From Gisella Young < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject st: xline options: Date Thu, 4 Sep 2008 04:20:39 -0700 (PDT) hist dlwg6, normal gap(5) xline(`a') however with the above command I get the plot without the xline But if I omit the normal density option I get the histogram with the xline at the mean value - it seems I can have one but not both! (Ways of getting the opposite will be discussed in a Stata Journal Tipunder development. Hi - I am doing a simple two-way line graph where I would like to label each of the lines in the plot area. 00. For example, in the data set below, I want the value 100 to be taken if I'm doing the histogram for the year 1990. In this case, I would want the line to be on 08aug2019 Perhaps that is to be regarded as a Stata idiosyncrasy, but it should help to explain why xline () and tline () are not allowed. added line options — Options Stata has different modes of complaining here, depending on whether you specified -tw- or not (for one -scatter- that should not make much of a difference in terms of output) *************** Hi Stata Users, I am using Stata v15 and would like to have an xline on the first non-missing occurrence of a variable. For instance, the lcolor() option in. One alternative would be to label a specific data point in the line, but is there an alternative that does not involve identifying/labeling a tline or xline alternative 29 May 2015, 21:51 Hey all, I am trying to label seasonal sales peaks in a stata timeseries twoway graph. The xline() option, also documented there, is irrelevant for bar charts. If, however, your interest is in obtaining grid lines, see the grid option in [G-3] axis label options. Modified 9 years, 4 months ago. In other words, you need to either: tell xline() the number that corresponds to the date you want use th() to figure out what that Hi. graph line y x, lcolor(red) causes the line through the (y, x) point to be drawn in red. (I'm doing lots of histograms like this so it is very inefficient to write Options yline() and xline() may be repeated, and each is executed separately. exactly!" 3. Examples of why you might want to do so include showing or emphasizing key reference levels, such as 0 for many variables or freezing point 32°F for Fahrenheit temperatures; showing means, medians, geometric means, or any other summary; or flagging key dates such as 1812 or 1939. xline(#1 #2 > etc)) each with different line pattern styles. Code: * Example generated by -dataex-. To get the data, type: sysuse nlsw88. That all works fine, but now I > am trying to add xlines to each of the 9 plots, where the lines are > drawn at different values for each plot. 1 Hi. So Stata is instructed to evaluate d(5jan2007) before passing the command on for execution. com. Run a simple OLS model with a number of independent variables: reg wage grade age race married c_city south union, robust. tsset date, daily time variable: date, 02jan2001 to 31dec2001, but with gaps. com linepatternstyle — Choices for whether lines are solid, dashed, etc. The command egen is used to create the new variables because unlike gen , egen can use functions, such as median , to create variables. 4. You can browse but not post. Jagath Dissanayake <[email protected]> asks, > I need to draw several xlines on a graph in two patterns(say solid > and longdash). Below is example of dataset. Is there a way to > bring the additional line to the top so that it is drawn on top of > the histogram? I assume that Eric is using the -xline()- option to specify his vertical lines. Similarly, xlabel (), xmlabel (), and their t I want to create a histogram with the option xline but I want to tell Stata which xline value should be taken according to the year variable in my data set. The answer is 17171. The final result shows the maximum price (in this case) for each category on the x axis. However, I would like the xlines in the code below to vary for each state. When I add xline(2007), the vertical line is not drawn correctly in 2007 location This website uses cookies to provide you with a better user experience. The shaded area covers the added line. September 2010 15:41 > To: [email protected] > Subject: Re: st: RE: RE: xline on top of rarea > > A front or back option for xline and yline would be useful. 2. Thus, I could show the great depression as the > area between two vertical lines: > - twoway connected gdp time, xline(1929 1945) > > But lets say that I'd like to shade the area between two years (useful if I > want to have a bunch of intervals indicating time of recession. Overlaying a vertical line on top of a xline(3) Again, several values may be enclosed within the parentheses, producing several lines. dta, clear replace price=price/2 /*for nice display in the example graph*/ * twoway histograms and some group-specific xline for each subgroup sum weight if foreign==0 local max = `r(max)' twoway hist price if foreign==0, percent xline(`max') sum weight if foreign==1 local max = `r(max)' twoway hist price if foreign==1, percent Getting the same xlines on each plot is easy, while getting a different xline on each seems much harder, which is why you are asking. We use Stata graph scheme s2mono, which produces plots in grayscale, because publications often require monochromatic plots. graph; stata; Share. Commands to reproduce: PDF doc entries: webuse air2 cumsp air, xline(. This could look like this: scatter y1 x1, xlabel(`=d(2jan2006)'(100)`=d(2jan2007)', format(%d)) xline(`=d(2apr2006)') I think this is equivalent to the following local startdate =d(2jan2006) local enddate =d(2jan2007) local Let us use a Stata in-built data nlsw88 to generate a coefplot graph. I assume that Eric is using the -xline()- option to specify his vertical lines. 5 %ÌÕÁÔÅØÐÄÆ 13 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 2135 >> stream xÚÝZË®ã6 Ý߯ð ŒF/R 0¸@’› ˜®ŠÎn0« í¢ EWýý’zØ’ì$Nì º0 Hello, I am trying something like below to add a legend for the green vertical xline that I added onto my scatter plot: scatter AUC Alpha, Stata/BE network 2-year maintenance Quantity: 196 Users. I stored the values for the lines, which are the means for different subsamples, in a matrix. Go items in cart Stata/BE network 2-year maintenance Quantity: 196 Users. This is an interesting problem. I gather that the OP is interested in situations where there exist multiple crossing points. Remarks and examples stata. compute con dence intervals 3. B. ) Comment. We will show a number of examples from a data file which contains a measurement of alcohol use, alcuse, taken at ages 14, 15 and 16 for 82 children (identified by the variable id). View cart. Search stata. tline() is an extension to xline(); see [TS] tsline for examples using tline(). Title stata. 如果你想要改变图表的样式或设置其他参数,你可能需要查看Stata的官方文档或使用帮助命令来获取更多信息。 请注意,具体的命令格式可能会因Stata版本的不同而略有差异,所以最好查阅你所使用的Stata版本的官方手册或在线资源以获取最准确的信息。 Best, Alan On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Martin Weiss <[email protected]> wrote: > > <> > > > But your solution would require Robert to run the code twice, once to see > that Stata lets the y-axis end at . I see that xline only excepts numlists. * Another Thanks Nick and Ivana. Sometimes,you might want graphics such as histograms to contain x lines. 1. I am using xline() to add vertical lines to scatter plots in Stata. Here is an example: graph twoway (scatter growth2010 growth2000) (function Stata 连享会 由中山大学连玉君老师团队创办,定期分享实证分析经验。直播间 有很多视频课程,可以随时观看。 连享会-主页 和 知乎专栏,300+ 推文,实证分析不再抓狂。 公众号推文分类:计量专题 | 分类推文 | 资源工具。 Eric, one way would be to wrap the "date literal convenience function" d() in a local macro and to return its result to the xline. I don't know of a way to do this except by re-creating your graph in twoway. This tip is a miniature review of how you can add extra lines to graphs in Stata. Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Alsosee Description Aline’slookisdeterminedbyitspattern For more info see Stata’s reference manual (stata. I know the code for doing this is “xline”, but I had troubles in incorporating the xline code together with the coefficient plot code. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float ,stata论文面板数据实证检验流程,描述性统计、散点图、单位根与协整检验、混合回归、固定效应、随机效应、豪斯曼检验。 ,怎样用Excel做规范的折线图 The xtline command allows you to generate linear plots for panel data. Since I have 2 y-axis variables, I'm just confused about the syntax. To plot the regression coefficients, type: coefplot, drop(_cons) xline(0) Stata will give us the greetings and thanks again, robert On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 12:48 AM, Robert Duval <[email protected]> wrote: > Dear friends, > > I have a graph with several vertical reference lines (i. stata. Raymond Zhang Stata The commands below, adopted from an example in -help twoway rarea-, draw a graph with a shaded area and an added line at x=3000. "--Nick W Nick Cox wrote: This is a good idea for Stata 8 up, but won't work in Stata 7, which is t figure out how to draw upper and lower estimates with ‘xline()’ option when the ‘graph’ command is combined with the ‘by’ option like that: graph Hi everyone, I am looking to add custom xlines to a scatter plot in Stata. So consider this an answer to Nick C's "or even in Stata 10. Use input to type in your own dataset fragment that others can experiment with. It seems xline will not accept expressions or variable names, as I have tried, for example: Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Why Stata Cumulative spectral distribution with x-line. I want to shade the area between two vertical lines, but have two problems: The shading does not cover the entire vertical range of the plot. I believe I could fix this if there were a way to identify the maximum and minimum y values that Stata includes in graph region, but I have been unable to figure out how to do this. Use the advanced editing options to appropriately format quotes, data, code and Stata output. Is there a way to have a an xline(=exp) where the expression is based on the values of other variables? Even if I have to change my code manually for each country, I'm not even sure where to put xline in my code. . These include options for titling the graph (see[G-3] title options) and for saving the graph to disk (see[G-3] saving option). Do you have any sugestion? Thanks, Jorge * * For searches and help try: Previous by thread: st: Index Construction in Stata; Next by thread: Re: st: xline() on top of histogram; Index(es): Date; Thread This is what we get from the Stata Manual: yline() adds horizontal (bar) or vertical (hbar) lines at specified y values; see [G-3] added line options. Thanks!-Steve Tags: None The -xline- option draws a line from the x-axis to the top outer margin of the plot region. addedtextoptions—Optionsforaddingtexttotwowaygraphs Description Quickstart Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Reference Alsosee Description text Daniel Millimet <[email protected]> wants to produce a combined graph with a common legend, > I am using the -twoway connected y x, by(var)- command to generate a > graph with 9 individual plots (3x3). , "-. com graph twoway line — Twoway line plots SyntaxMenuDescriptionOptions Remarks and examplesAlso see Syntax twoway line varlist if in, options where varlist is y 1 y 2::: x options Description connect options change look of lines or connecting method axis choice options associate plot with alternative axis The horizontal line is obscured by the shading because the shading is created first, but I need the shading to be created first because otherwise, it obscures the plot of the time series (since Stata doesn't support transparency/alpha blending). yxline yline() or xline() none nonexistent line p1–p15 used by first–fifteenth “line” plot Stata Journal 9: 648–651. 在这种情况下,你需要查看原作者提供的文档或寻求专业帮助来安装和配置。 如果你想要确定`xline`是否是Stata的标准命令,可以尝试在Stata的交互模式中输入`help xline`,看看是否有结果。如果没有,那就可能是上述提到的情况之一。 graph twoway (scatter crfe depth) (mband crfe depth, band(5)), /// xlabel(0(5)25) ylabel(0(2)10) xline(5 10 15 20) Table 5. You have not provided any data example or the codes you have used for your graphs which is contrary to the forum posting guidelines (please read the FAQ section for In my view you shouldn't even want to do this, namely to add four more elements to the legend. " etc. I am working with Stata 16 and a quite old revision date (26 Jun 2019) because our IT department is just now in the process of updating to a more recent revision date from Decemer 2021 (which has to In this blog entry,we’ll show you how to add x lines to graphics using simple code in Stata. Nevertheless, I can’t figure out how to draw upper and lower estimates with ‘xline()’ option when the ‘graph’ command is combined with the ‘by’ option like that: graph stat, by(grp) xline(`=lower_es[_n]' `= upper_es[_n]') In fact, the graph command always draw vertical lines in the same position in all addedlineoptions—Optionsforaddinglinestotwowaygraphs Description Quickstart Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Reference Alsosee Description yline(),xline(),andtline Just as an FYI, some countries have 2, 3, or 4 breakdates. Log in; Create an account ; Products. com yline() and xline() add lines where specified. There is no data example here, so I made up some data. The implication for Stata 8 users is to play with -plot()- (not -addplot()-). dta, clear. Describe your dataset. A miniature review of added lines is in press at the Stata Journal, but a conversation with the Editors leads me to guess that it may not appear until 24(3) or 24(4). scatter yvar year, xline(1944) xline(1989, lwidth(3)) Reference Cox, N. I can draw several xlines in a I also tried adding a pci-graph instead of the xline-option, but found no way to extend the vertical line without messing up my y-scale-range. I have to say that I think an unstacked bar chart would work better. Add marker label to all lines in a graph in Stata? 0. $11,763. g. How to make additional labels in barchart in Stata. I'd like to calculate a statistic, store that statistic, and use it in a graphics command. Why Stata; Features; New in Stata 18; Disciplines; Stata/MP; Which Stata is right for me? Supported platforms xtline—Panel-datalineplots Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Optionsforgraphbypanel Optionsforoverlaidpanels Remarksandexamples References Alsosee Description "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. -pcarrowi- > is a solution but to have the same appearance as -xline- one must > specify the margins of the plot region and find the right coordinates > for the added line through trial Search stata. However, the additional line is > basically hidden behind one of the histogram bars, only appearing > from the top of the bar to the top of the graph. insert variable value label for graph title. I'm trying to produce a graph for each US state using -xtline- and the -xline- option (Stata 15. 1, page 147. SyntaxDescriptionRemarks and examplesAlso see Syntax linepatternstyle Description solid solid line dash dashed line dot dotted line dash dot shortdash shortdash dot longdash longdash dot blank invisible line "formula" e. (weight,2500,3500)) /// (lfit mpg weight if weight < 2500) , /// xline(2500) legend(off) keep if weight > 2500 addplot:lfit mpg weight,range(2520,3500) Attached Files Last edited by Raymond Zhang; 27 Jan 2021, 02:21. Improve this answer. Post Stata provides a means whereby I can > demarcate a year using xline. Using xline() with values from a matrix in Stata. – Nick Cox Stata: add a reference line to a graph a posteriori. I'm using Stata/IC 14. 08, and then to update the code with the > coordinate 0. run a lengthy graph command Things got better with the introduction of marginsplotin Stata 12. N. -function- is exactly what I was looking for. Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 4 months ago. Frankly, I think Stata should > have the option for the [x|y] 如何在Stata图形中添加水平线或垂直线的详细步骤。 linepatternstyle—Choicesforwhetherlinesaresolid,dashed,etc. store results as variables 4. I am having a problem in that where there isn't clumping of bars it's hard to distinguish them. In this case, I would want the line to be on 08aug2019 since this is the first instance where contribution is non-missing. create a variable for the category axis 5. Now we can use graph twoway tsline to graph the data. Other lines may be drawn by overlaying the graph with a function. I can use tline, but wondered about labels instead. unfortunately editing graph directly in Stata may not be convenient enough as I need to automate the process. Even a symbol above the seasonal peaks would work. If so, those lines are "laid down" before the histogram bars are drawn and are therefore occluded by the bars. [ Date Prev ][ Date Next ][ Thread Prev ][ Thread Next ][ Date Index ][ Thread Index ] In the coefficient plots, I want to include a vertical line of the intervention year (2007). Description yline(), xline(), and tline() are used with twoway to add lines to the plot region. 08333) [TS] cumsp [G-3] added_line Stata's idea of added line options such as xline() and yline() is very rigid: they should never be placed on top of a data element. <> As has been said, a variable is not allowed as an argument to -xline-. I'll have to consider the triangular plots. help <command> and the Stata manuals have a lot on that (and much more). And yet, it does tolerate repeated use, as is apparent from - help added_line_options %PDF-1. For the necessary information for the option xline I use the command “levelsof” to get the information which event happened in which country and at which time point. In this blog entry,we’ll show you how to add x lines to graphics using simple code in Stata. I would like to label these seasonal peaks in the graph space (not on the axis). Qty: 1. Share. Follow Title stata. org . compile labels for coe cients 6. Qty: 1 $11,763. I'd think about using two x axes: sysuse auto histogram mpg histogram mpg, start(10) width(5) xaxis(1 2) xli(15 25 35) xla(15 "guzzler" 25 "mediocre" 35 "economic", axis(2)) xtitle("", axis(2)) xla(10(5)40, axis(1)) freq Nick On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:33 AM, Sharooon <[email protected]> wrote: > I am making a histogram using data that ranges Option drop(_cons) has been added to exclude the constant of the model; option xline(0) has been added to draw a reference line at zero so one can better see which coefficients are significantly different from zero. I do not want to use the legend. Thus different styles can be used for different lines on the same graph:. Is there a workaround? A reproducible example: This is a good idea for Stata 8 up, but won't work in Stata 7, which is what Achille has. cheers, Jeph On 6/25/2010 9:25 AM, Ivana Templado wrote: Jephs, try with twoway scatter var1 var2 lineoptions—Optionsfordeterminingthelookoflines Description Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Alsosee Description I am doing this by the option “xline”, where I insert different xlines with different colors to distinguish different types of natural events. Best regards. 2graphtwowayline—Twowaylineplots+ Syntax [twoway]linevarlist[if][in][,options]wherevarlistis 𝑦1[𝑦2[:::]]𝑥 options Description connectoptions notoriously di cult in Stata (although see Newson 2003). Just to explain to anyone puzzled about what the graph shows: when two or more values exist for the y axis variable, as is the case here, bars are superimposed. com Example 1 This tip is a miniature review of how you can add extra lines to graphs in Stata. In many (most?) cases this is what you want -- your plots placed atop the 2tsline—Time-serieslineplots Syntax Time-serieslineplot [twoway]tslinevarlist[if][in][,tslineoptions]Time-seriesrangeplotwithlines [twoway]tsrline𝑦1𝑦2[if][in xtline— Panel-data line plots 3 Y axis, Time axis, Titles, Legend, Overall twoway options are any of the options documented in[G-3] twoway options, excluding by(). e. Is it possible to force Stata to place this horizontal line on top of all other plots in the graph? remains of why you thought that the -xline()- option might perform in the way you wanted, so that misunderstanding (pertinently here) carrying out any evaluation of global or local macros or equivalent expressions. kzpfszjipvndescafcflllrmcwltcxschhhndpcolcxlefuuutkknsgpeqfkwnvlfvdpptf